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Everything posted by Smithers

  1. Is it just me or was that the fastest halftime ever?
  2. Overshadowed by Frank being an idiot was Bryce making a gorgeous mid level throw to AT. That’s 2 this game. Like to see more of that.
  3. Frank should give Eddie a BJ at halftime. That was pathetic time management by a tenured coach. He looked completely lost in the sideline, like he didn’t know he was allowed to call a timeout. I sure hope a reporter calls him out on that.
  4. Frank is the biggest idiot on this planet. Now he needs Eddie to bail him out here.
  5. Burns is terrible . I seriously hope we don’t pay him at all. Let him walk or trade him for whatever
  6. It’s maddening. But it’s also been something the Panthers have struggled with for two decades. I remember Cam used to let it happen all the time.
  7. Omg Sanders. That was an easy 10 yards if you cut outside
  8. Time to go up 17-7, then score again to start the 3rd. Bryce is pissed - time to push the envelope. Throw deep to Chark!
  9. Bryce cussing walking to the sideline. You know things are frustrating when BY is cussing
  10. Notice how Dalton always had the play call in and up the line with 15 seconds to go? Bryce has struggled with that so far this year.
  11. How do you lose JJ? Like seriously, please explain how anyone things it’s a good idea to just let him run free?
  12. Oh there’s Burns. Just running 5 yards beyond the QB having no impact
  13. In all fairness that looked like a TD if completed. That side was wide open with blockers
  14. Well we had 6 tries at the end zone. Pitiful.
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