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Everything posted by Smithers

  1. Eddy P needs to move his change into his right pocket. Pulling things left
  2. DJ didn’t get up to the LOS. Stupid mistake
  3. Why aren’t we throwing the ball to CMC? I don’t get it
  4. Tepper - “if we suck so bad that we fill the stands with other teams fans, I still make money!”
  5. He is so bad. Robinson should be active and in that spot
  6. Coleman making catches we expect DJ to make.
  7. Missed opportunities list is growing for Rhule: 2 dropped picks 1 missed FG
  8. Wth was that formation? All 11 within 10 feet of the center?
  9. 49ers knew exactly what play we were running. They had 6 defenders stacked on the right side of the line. And we still ran CMC to that side. Idiotic
  10. So a DJ drop followed by a CMC stuff - typical
  11. Well we usually don’t give up opening drive touchdowns. Rhule must really be trying something different today to spark things
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