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Everything posted by Smithers

  1. DJ was wide open. PJ missed him worse than Baker would have
  2. Dare we take a deep shot? You know, maybe a 5 yard out route?
  3. Gonna have to open things up in the second. I didn’t think our offense could get any worse but we are currently on pace to do just that. PJ has a good arm, let him sling it
  4. Wilks not doing his lawsuit any favors with that awful display of game management. It’s clear his skin color had nothing to do with his firing lol
  5. I’ve seen enough to know that Wilks isn’t the answer. Several coaching mistakes already in one half of football. Hope Tepper is starting the search now
  6. Omg Wilks is more maddening than Rhule . Call a fuggin TO you moron
  7. Burns about to get a strip sack on this drive and we will get another shot before halftime
  8. Wilks had no idea what down it was there. Embarrassing
  9. Robby is a cancer. Wish the WR coach would have swung on his ass
  10. Ahhhh - feels like old times with Wilks running a soft no help defense. Didn’t we rank like 28th that year?
  11. So a 3rd and 12 and a 3rd and 15 both converted on this drive - stupid
  12. Ok at some point we have to throw more than 2 yards beyond the LOS. Heck I don’t even think we’ve throw it that far yet
  13. We set up the deep shot last drive. Use that same trips formation and fake the smoke route, then toss one deep
  14. Yep - Daboll puts everything on Barkley. That’s what he is paid for. Same with CMC, let him earn that check
  15. Agreed - even the pre snap formations are different. Trips plus a single? More please
  16. Love the play calling. Penalty hurt, but promising nonetheless
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