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Everything posted by Smithers

  1. Ok so what’s up with that defensive front. Stupid formation
  2. We lead the nfl in WR screens. We also lead the NFL is worst pass play avg. hmmmm..
  3. That was the most ridiculous formation I have ever seen.
  4. Omg just punt the ball - zero discipline right now
  5. He takes up about as much space as these stupid ads on your mobile friendly site
  6. Well I’m sick now. That one play erased an entire first half of play for me. So demoralizing
  7. That’s awful. Instead of being up 10, we are down 4. 2 touchdown swing
  8. Ruins this place. I’m about to use some capital to start my own site with a free app.
  9. Defense has to start winning the battle up front. Huge 3rd down coming up. Get a stop, get a score, then start the 3rd with the ball and score again and take away their run game
  10. Well all the tankers are upset again. Come on Panthers let’s get this W!
  11. Was actually Burris - but he played the run and got fooled
  12. Another Burns whiff. I’d rather take 2 first rounders and let him do that elsewhere
  13. It’s early. If he continues to be off by halftime Wilks might put Baker in.
  14. These freaking ads are ridiculous. Can’t even refresh this thread without my mobile being taken over by them. And yes, pop up blockers are on
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