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Everything posted by Smithers

  1. Why are we giving them a chance to return that?
  2. Cut his ass. Idc that he made the catch. That penalty was idiotic regardless of the outcome
  3. Bro can’t make a play when it counts. He being paid like a top WR in this league. We are the ones who deserve better
  4. Trade DJ too. Tired of those “untradeable” players making no impact in big moments
  5. Spencer Brown should not be in the game. Help me understand why he’s in there? First a drop then a missed block.
  6. Burns and Shaq have done nothing impactful today. Trade both for whatever you can get for them. I’d rather watch zero pass rush with a couple 1st rounders in my pocket
  7. Horrible play call there. Worst call we could have made
  8. Burns has been nonexistent thus far - it’s time for him to make a play to seal this game.
  9. Ok this is getting ridiculous. OL making costly errors every down
  10. That is 100% Shaq Thompson’s fault. He made a rookie mistake
  11. Great drive and finish there. Now the D needs a huge stop
  12. Defense looks vulnerable to this type of offense. Getting manhandled by a more physical front. Gonna have to rely on the offense to win this, which isn’t a good thing lol
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