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Everything posted by Smithers

  1. Now run the dang ball! Come on O-Line, inflict your will!!!!
  2. Just like us to allow Brady to have a 99 yard TD drive to take the lead
  3. We sure don’t look like a team that wants to win. McAdoo is putting the game on Darnold and abandoning the run game altogether.
  4. Wow. Double coverage Sam? Can’t throw that ball
  5. Defense bailed out by 2 drops there. Our offense needs to capitalize. Gotta go back up by 2 scores here.
  6. That’s what I don’t get - it seems like we never provide safety help. It’s so frustrating…and a huge reason I hate some of our zone coverages
  7. 1st half summary - McAdoo is being too cute. Wilks is coaching scared. Holcomb has no idea how to play matchups. Keith Taylor shouldn’t be on the roster.
  8. Should be 28-0. Instead it’s about to be 14-14 with the Bucs getting the ball to start the 3rd
  9. Well - that about sums things up. Wilks gave the Bucs the momentum. Curious how he explains his Rivera/Fox coaching style after this one
  10. Yeah that was one of the worst coaching calls of the year. Don’t challenge the spot, waste a TO anyways, then for the second time you punt from near midfield when all you need is a foot.
  11. Why is one of the best receivers in the NFL 1 on 1? Drives me nuts that our defense never provides help.
  12. If you are going to burn a TO there, why not just challenge the spot? Bad coaching
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