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Everything posted by Smithers

  1. Had he broken free I have a feeling he would have collapsed 5 yards later
  2. Let’s do this! Time to bring the Saints back to reality! panthers - 31 saints - 17
  3. Didn’t Tampa lose Shiano to college?
  4. Uhhh he interviewed for the Jets HC vacancy in 2019. He very obviously wants to be an NFL coach
  5. I agree - it’s sad really. If they’re in a Panthers uni, I’m pulling for them to succeed. That’s what a fan does.
  6. Not at all - but doing so while being unfairly critical of our starting QB in the process before the guy even takes a snap is what I have an issue with. Darnold played better than any rookie QB who took the field today, and deserves some credit. As a fan of this team I hope he gets better with every game and outplays Wilson, Fields, Lance etc for a decade or more. LG is the type of guy who hopes Darnold falls on his face while others shine just say he can say I told you so.
  7. Pretty sure you’ve made several comments about us not taking Fields over Horn. Sorry, but you have without a doubt been overtly negative most of the time. If you put half the effort into focusing on the positive as you do exercising your moderator power, you’d be much more tolerable.
  8. You’ve admitted several times how inclined you are to pull for another team. You are critical of just about every single player we sign or draft every move we make/don’t make, and are one of the Huddle’s biggest pessimists. You know and understand football, and make sensible comments at times. But sheesh your pessimism and negative attitude can be overbearing
  9. Really hard to tell after a single game how good any team will be this season. The Saints looked great today, and the Packers looked terrible. Can we beat them? Sure, why not. But we will have to play better than we did today for 60 minutes.
  10. Why are you even here? You are seriously ruining this place.
  11. Agree. We got soft on both sides of the ball. Can’t win consistently like that.
  12. Coaching, plain and simple. Brady - terrible play calling, especially in the red zone and second half Rhule - punting twice from the 33 and putting his FB experiment in the game on a crucial play from the 3 yard line resulting in a TO. Also for not solving the kicking situation, resulting in a missed XP. Easily left 7 points on the field. Also got out coached in the second half
  13. Coaching was bad…but Darnold also missed a few throws in the second half where plays were there to be made…big plays. Moore also had a couple Drops that were inexcusable. loved that we won…but it just feels like a loss for some reason. We went backwards in the second half in all aspects of the game. Their adjustments worked, ours didn’t. They made the hustle plays, we didn’t. They played to win, we didn’t. If that happens against most teams in the NFL, we lose.
  14. He’s currently on pace for another 1,000 x 2 season
  15. We have a lot of work to do - but it was game 1 so hopefully we will get better, especially on offense and coaching
  16. Wasn’t impressed last year, but gave him a pass because of Teddy. But he called a bad game today
  17. Ugly win. CMC had to single handedly pull this one out for us. Not crazy about the coaching this game tbh
  18. Honestly this has been a disappointment for us offensively. 2 punts from the opposing 35, a fumble on the 3
  19. Like to see us take a deep shot in first down here. We are near midfield…no better time than on 1st down
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