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Everything posted by Smithers

  1. Really wish we would have gone for it there. Missing that FG gives them the ball at mid field. Puts the defense in a tough spot
  2. Up by one at the half, after the refs gifting Dallas a TD, with us getting the ball to start the second half….let’s friggin go!!!!
  3. Great hold by the D. Now let’s go down and score more points. A Panthers TD before half would be huge, especially with us getting the ball to start the 3rd quarter. Let’s go!
  4. There we go! No need to panic…long game. Also - great play call and an even better read by Sam!
  5. I am so dang pumped about this game! Time to send all those “we dem boyz” memes into hiding for at least a week. Panthers - 31 Cowboys - 12
  6. Then usual - wings, tater wedges, cheese and crackers, etc. What’s most important is the Panthers feasting on dem boyz lol
  7. Sure do hope they make the mistake of trotting 12 guys out often.
  8. He accused the saints of paying him less than a white player of the same caliber. Then went after the nfl claiming a pay disparity among black players.
  9. It was a “keep this guy healthy cause we are about to trade him” injury.
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