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Everything posted by Montsta

  1. We chose correctly in 2011. 2023 we chose very poorly. It’s a coin flip in the NFL and poo happens.
  2. fiz, always bringing the heat Tepper gonna make mixtapes for the guys he really likes
  3. This would suck for no other reason than ESPN has the worst NFL broadcasts in my opinion. Same as watching an NBA game on ESPN. It’s a lifeless broadcast and cheese AF.
  4. I think Whitlock thrives on controversy every bit as much as Stephen A. does. No one in his orbit gives a poo about what SAS says any more than anyone in SAS orbit cares about Whitlock. Much ado about nothing IMO but it’s crazy to me how much Whitlock gets under SAS skin. SAS career is light years beyond Whitlock so why he even gives him the time of day let alone say how much he hates him and will never forgive him is wild to me. I’m sure there is obviously a lot more to it but it’s an oddity for sure.
  5. Mix this with ESPN’s golden boy calling Jason Whitlock a fat bastard, a piece of poo, and a devil, and it really shows how ESPN has turned into TMZ with less talent or facts. The whole network is an absolute joke. I miss Stuart Scott.
  6. Wait til this time next season. I don’t think we win a single game next year.
  7. Fair weather fan is a bit of a misnomer though. I’ve been a fan of this team through some remarkably shitty seasons. Sports fandom should be like a marriage in that it is a two way street. As fans we have managed to judge each other by how big of fans we are, how often we go to games, how much menu we spend on merchandise, etc. Reality is though, that the apathetic nature of the team has led me to realize that there are a lot of other ways I can use my time that bring me a lot more enjoyment than this poo show. I still love the Panthers and can never see myself rooting for another team with any measurable level of heart or enthusiasm, but if your spouse is doing absolutely nothing to contribute to the marriage, it’s hard to fault yourself for looking for love in other places.
  8. I do chores on Sundays now and golf. Read about the Panthers game afterward. I won’t even spend the $400 for Sunday Ticket on YouTube to watch let alone what y’all spend. No excitement, no direction. Just a rudderless ship of sadness. Panthers are the worst team in professional sports and are only getting worse. Sad times indeed friend!
  9. Spent my Sunday installing permanent Christmas lights for the wife. They look fantastic and I’m really excited about them. Didn’t watch a minute of the Panthers game. Damn shame, as my Sundays used to REVOLVE around Panthers games.
  10. Well at least Tepper has hired on his young trophy wife in an official team capacity. And like so many brave pioneers before her, when she realizes she doesn’t have to be married to the old billionaire for herself to be a billionaire, she will divorce him, take half the team in a settlement, some typical allegations of impropriety will surface and the outrage mob will force a sale. I figure another 4-6 years of this before the team gets sold again. My vote is for the Saudi’s. Say what you want about human rights abuses, the guys know how to throw money at a problem to fix it!
  11. Which is ironic because the last time I saw this level of excitement around here was when Frank Reich was hired on as the young QB whisperer.
  12. Boyz N Tha Hood. All time top 10 favorite movie!
  13. Especially flying out of Oakland on southwest. My wife doesn’t jam me up much on little trips like that, especially since she gets big trips regularly. We are going to Cabo in a few weeks and I am taking her to see Taylor Swift in Japan next year.
  14. At least when they move to Vegas I’ll have a built-in excuse to go to LV a few times a year. I can only take my wife to see Adele and Miranda Lambert so many times…
  15. In fairness, there isn’t exactly a Steve Smith to throw to for Bryce, and the Cam rookie year oline would like HOFers next to the current offensive line.
  16. Oakland A’s, supplying HOF talent to other teams for the past 25 years my friend!!
  17. I’d love to hear your expanded thoughts on this. What about the game currently do you think is going to be ruined? I ask seriously as I don’t watch CFB outside of some Stanford games and I don’t know what rule changes are making it more like pro football and are going to ruin the game as it is for a lot of people. I ask because you’re not the first person I’ve heard say this.
  18. I used to be die hard for my sports teams. Like a loss would ruin my day. I’d schedule EVERYTHING around games. Then the Oakland A’s gutted everything and got rid of players that are MVP candidates and are moving to Las Vegas. The Panthers poo the bed always. It’s made me realize sports fandom is more like a marriage then a one sided obsession. If the teams I am married to are not gonna work on the marriage and keeping the spark alive, then why the fug am I? I won’t cheat and root for someone else because my heart simply isn’t in it, but my interest is certainly fading. I’ll always love these teams, but planning my day around them instead of living my life? Those days are loooong gone for me brother!
  19. A lot of it is simply talent too. Steve Wilks is the DC in SF and they are fire. Our players are all poo unfortunately.
  20. Man can you imagine if we would have stood pat at #9 and traded him for two 1st’s and then we poo the bed this year, got Caleb Williams AND some OL and WR talent around him. This team is why I continue to buy Madden every year, it’s the only way we do anything right as a franchise. Damn shame.
  21. Are we not going to talk about him giving his trophy wife a high level nepotism job with the team she has no business having too? Or is everyone afraid of getting accused of misogyny and being cancelled?
  22. Has a team ever had the 1st AND 2nd pick in the draft? That would be wild if Chicago did that this year.
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