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Everything posted by Montsta

  1. The Germans bombing Pearl Harbor is a deliberate joke and a quote from the movie animal house. If you think that he screwed up his history and you are super smart for noticing it, the joke is actually on you and it's important that you realize that.
  2. You're speaking in broad generalizations. I couldn't care less about Teb0w's religion. He could be a Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or a Buddhist monk. I wouldn't even say I hate the guy because that's absurd. What I find irritating is when I go on ESPN to hear about some actual sports news and get my daily wrap-up, I have to sit through segment after segment about a guy who is a backup at best and really is not relevant to anything at all, except *maybe* university of Florida alums and Christians. It's the same with Michael Sam. I don't care that he is gay. Matters zero to me. If he could actually play, I'd love him on the Panthers. Hell, if Cam came out as gay tomorrow I'd support him every bit as much as I do now, and probably be forced by intolerant people to defend him even more than I do now. Tim Teb0w to me is annoying for one reason. He is the Kim Kardashian of the NFL. Not relevant but for some unknown reason shoved down your throat day in and day out. It's just annoying.
  3. I love you guys. 'Murica
  4. That got a little closer at the end than I would have like but I'm pretty sure Kerr can use it to motivate the boys to come out and play a full 48 on Monday. Either way, Dubs victory!!
  5. I know placerville. My grandma lives in diamond springs.
  6. If this broadcast could show Oakland where the Warriors actually play instead of nothing but SF that would be super.
  7. Warriors game starts at 12:30pm pacific time. Leggo!!
  8. This is the sign you'll see at the end And then this is the view from inside. Great shot of The City in the background And those two beers are the Anomaly Milk Stouts on nitro. Looks nothing like a stout should right? I know.
  9. You might want to write out the word blackjack next time you say took off for a little BJ with the wife lmao.
  10. Russian River Lagunitas Bear Republic 21st Amendment Faction Triple Voodoo Russian River again Speakeasy Anchor Brewing Sudwerk Altamont Drakes Almanac Pyramid Ale Industries Sierra Nevada Knee Deep Russian fuging River again I canz play this game too! We can share Firestone Walker because it's kind of smack in the middle between us.
  11. You should have gone to Snooze for breakfast. Might be the best eggs benedict I've ever had.
  12. All those breweries you mentioned use water that comes from us up north, because you guys live in a fuging desert. So, you're welcome. Jk Cali bro love.
  13. See my reply to this in the local craft brewery thread.
  14. So here's the thing with Pliny The Elder, and this is going to be a very long post, so if you aren't interested, move the fug along nothing to see here; it's difficult to get because the people at Russian River are (from what I hear) somewhat difficult to work with. The best comparison I've heard is like a Steve Jobs. He was very particular and if you didn't do things the way he wanted, you're fuged. For example, the liquor store I buy most of my craft brew at here in Livermore is called Perry's and is owned by a guy that also owns a craft beer bar downtown called The Beer Baron. He had a distribution arrangement setup with Russian River (which is hard enough to get as it is, they intentionally short the market to keep demand high) to be able to sell their 750mL bottles in his store (yes, 750mL bottles, because RR refuses to do 22oz. bombers like everyone else on the planet, fugers). Well, he decided to sell the Pliny in his other establishment as well, and they basically Vegas-Al-Capone-style blacklisted him for life. Another one is that a pizza place I used to go to all the time in Fremont has 32 micro brews on tap rotating. The guy there told me RR won't distribute to them, because years ago the City of Fremont denied permits to RR for like a brewpub location and so now RR won't distribute to anyone in that city. BevMo is a huge chain liquor store here in Cali, and RR won't even distribute to them (which is a godsend contract if you make craft beer) because BevMo wouldn't guarantee cooler space, just space on the shelf like everyone else. Russian River didn't want someone to pickup a beer and drink it warm and god forbid not like it, so they declined. That being said, they deserve to have their beer experienced under their terms, because it is widely considered throughout the beer world as exceptional, and it is. So they are very careful about who they distribute to, and again, they intentionally short the market to keep a cult-like status. Anyway, enough of my rambling. Yes, I get Pliny all the time. I live a couple of hours drive from the brewery, so my wife and I will take a trip out that way every few months and I'll buy a couple cases of Pliny as well as Blind Pig (which I actually like better than Pliny, but both are great beers). While out there, we typically stop at Bear Republic in Healdsburg (of Racer 5 fame) and Lagunitas in Petaluma. I don't know what the laws are for shipping alcohol, but so long as we aren't breaking any rules I'd be happy to buy you a case and ship it to you. Just pay me for the cost of the beer and shipping, I certainly won't mark it up or anything. I'll PM you next time I go out there, which will hopefully be soon because I'm out of BP and only have two Pliny's left that I've been saving for Warriors playoff basketball. :cheers:
  15. An Ode to you SCP, you've inspired me to be a better man. Got off work today and grabbed this.
  16. Is BevMo only a west coast thing? I didn't know that. I fuging love BevMo.
  17. Faction is awesome. It's at the end of the abandoned naval base in Alameda. It seriously looks like you are driving through Zombie Apocalypse and then when you just start freaking out about where you are, there is a fat faction brewing sign. It's pretty sweet. Edit: oh and to return the favor, when you got to Faction get the Anomaly Milk Stout on Nitro. You're welcome.
  18. I'm in Livermore. Sac is like two hours from me. Stockton is 45 minutes.
  19. Go to Sudwerk Brewing in Davis. They have a coffee, vanilla and chocolate lager called 3 Best Friends. It's one of my favorites but it's hard to find. Even my local beer guy doesn't get it from his distributor anymore.
  20. Where do you live? Faction Brewing in Alameda has my favorite beer of all time, and that will be written about in my beer bracket challenge post in the favorite beer of all time thread.
  21. I've got one of those shirts too! I love it! My next post will be eight bridges. And yes, Maui Waui is an awesome frickin beer. It even smells like weed.
  22. Does Sea Dog make a blueberry beer with a dog on it in a poncho? My wife loves that beer.
  23. So I'll start. Altamont Beer Works Livermore, CA This place is the most trendy brewery for locals to go to. They fill growlers here for $10 and will even fill a growler from a different brewery, so long as you buy one of their branded neoprene sleeves to go over it. They don't do pints here, except on Thursdays, which is keep the pint glass night. They've told me the pint restriction has something to do with their landlord not wanting the place to be a "bar" per se. They do flights for $6-$7, and you usually get five or six flavors. They rotate in their seasonals and substitute the core beers as needed throughout the year on their flights. They also have a pretty awesome barbecue food truck that stays outside on the weekends. What To Try There: Hella Hoppy, DIPA I really enjoy one of their flagship beers, Hella Hoppy IIPA. This beer comes in at a massive 9%, and you certainly taste it as it is LOADED with massive amounts of various local hops. Paying homage to the Northern California region by using the term "Hella" makes me a bit biased into loving this beer just a little more. If you are a hop-head, this is the beer for you. Mac Drizzle, Imperial Dark Ale Another beer that pays homage to the region, the late great rapper Mac Dre, Mac Drizzle is a robust 9.2% Dark Ale that drinks more like a triple IPA in my opinion. It is a pretty heavy beer that's got a delicious malt flavor that kind of masks a tropical taste underneath. This beer is seasonal, and while you can sometimes find it at various times of the year, it is typically released on the dates of Mac Dre's birthday, and the day he died. (July and November) Berry White, Wheat Cream Ale Can't get enough of this beer, baaaby (See what I did there). This is a wheat cream ale that friggin rocks. This beer is also seasonal, but at just 4.7%, is a great summertime libation out by the pool or at a BBQ. My wife loves wheat beer, so this is her favorite from Altamont. I'd say the only true drawback to this beer is that I feel like it hasn't tasted EXACTLY the same each time I've had it. Now, it could just be me, but I feel like there is a little bit too much taste fluctuation for this to be distributed right now. Maybe it's something with the berries in the brewing process or maybe they use different berries from a different farm or something, but it's been just a little bit different to me on various occasions. All were very good, but again, you need to be consistent.
  24. What craft breweries are near you, or which ones have you been to that you feel are worth mentioning? There are A LOT of great beers out there being made by some really creative brewmasters, that are often too small to get much beyond regional distribution, so if you aren't from that area, you may not have heard of them. Then there are bigger ones like the Stone Brewing Mothership in SoCal that have huge nationwide distribution, but still kick ass and are certainly worth a mention. My wife and I spent our birthdays last year (our bdays are a day apart in October) and we did basically a brewery tour and spent seven days driving down from Northern Cali to SoCal and stopped at 28 different breweries along the way. It was friggin awesome.
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