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Everything posted by Montsta

  1. we don't know that. There were reports he cleaned out his family luxury box back in 2010 or so. I don't pretend to know whether or not he was a good teammate, but none of us know any requests he may have made to the team.
  2. SS took one little comment from DG about everyone being evaluated, and it turned into a full blown media shitstorm resulting in his release. Then in true SS fashion he used that release as a personal slight to motivate him and light a fire under his ass to perform at a very high level. To further prove and illustrate this point, he took a few PFT opinion articles and a tweet from his own son about going back to Carolina, and blew it out of proportion with an Instagram post claiming he was born to be a raven and he absolutely is not coming back and blah blah blah. Steve Smith has always been a tremendous player but eve his most devout followers can acknowledge that he conjures up perceived slights toward him to fire him up to take his performance to the next level.
  3. Steve Smith will never come home and it's all Montsta and Instagram to blame. I accept responsibility for my actions. Thomas Davis statue >> Steve Smith statue
  4. Spot on. What's ironic is that SS acts like nothing gets to him. DG's comments brewed into a poo storm that ended with Smitty's release. Now a simple comment by his son and PFT about being traded has turned into another circus.
  5. I told my wife I'm gonna start Steve in fantasy this week because I got him all pumped up on Instagram and now he's gonna go off lol
  6. yup that's me he got mad quick. Everyone else on his page is begging and pleading and all I did was tell him he never misses an opportunity to poo on the Panthers.
  7. Lol Steve Smith just blocked me and responded to me on Instagram because I told him he seems hella petty toward Carolina. lmfao same old Steve Smith I love that guy.
  8. because if you aren't prepared to suck a dick to make this trade happen immediately then you aren't a really real life Panther fan.
  9. lol someone disagrees with your opinion and they are automatically an idiot? That's a great way to have a dialogue among fans.
  10. I loved the third one. Mad Dog Tannen Vs. a plated up Clint Eastwood (Marty McFly) Epic matchup.
  11. Pinned and great read Philly. Dystopian future principal Strickland was pretty badass though with that shotgun. "Eat lead Slackers!!!"
  12. We are going to smash the Eagles. It would be a very close game if not for the 3-4 picks Bradford is going to throw. Panthers - 30 Chip Kelly's Flying Circus - 16
  13. So wait the Panthers haven't beaten anyone but the vaunted Falcons lost to the Saints that we beat? Oh wait but Brees wasn't there so the Falcons still better. Nope suck it bitch Panthers all day blow me.
  14. Another great thread Philly. Meanwhile in Pittsburgh it's my understanding Mike Mitchell isn't doing all that well? Also, good use of Plesiosaur. I did a report on those in sixth grade.
  15. I saw Fire In The Sky when I was just a wee lad and that may have been the scariest I ever saw because I remember almost pissing myself from that movie. Funny how things change as you get older.
  16. I know it's blasphemy in the realm of scary movies, of which I consider myself very much a connoisseur, but the original Blair Witch Project was a pretty damn scary movie because of the tense buildup. No jump scares or anything like that, just intensity. As far as modern ones I thought The Conjuring was pretty scary though.
  17. War and Peace Philly B Posts SCP Posts One of these things does not belong.
  18. GREAT podcast tonight. I KNEW Bene ate at La Vic. It's open after the bars close downtown and everyone in San Jose goes there. I never heard a definitive answer though. :( Ask that man for a jersey for your boy here and I'll go to La Vic tomorrow and buy like 10 bottles of orange sauce and ship them to you.
  19. I stand to win a lot of money if Bradford can get me 25+ points, so yessir lets do this thing.
  20. It took DW ten years to realize running into the back of an offensive lineman is a bad idea. Just imagine how great he could have been for us if that little nugget had crept into his brain years ago. Sucks.
  21. The threads that are sure to be popping up about how DG is an idiot for cutting Williams will be absolutely insufferable.
  22. Timmons, Harrison? Thise were big names a long time ago. Steelers D is SLLLLOOOOWWWW.
  23. I follow @carolinahuddle on the Twitter. I love Luke Kuechly and pledge to name my first born son Luke. Plus if I don't win this damn picture for my new man cave I described in the mods section, I will kick a kitten. Not a Huddle Kitten, but like a tiny cat I must have this. That is all. Edit: Twitter is @montsta
  24. I was going to pie but there are just to many technical editing flaws for me to take it seriously... Said no Huddler ever...
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