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Everything posted by Montsta

  1. Still a bad idea. That was a career long attempt that would have given us the ball near mid field down four on a miss.
  2. A minute is a lot of time man. We still technically have a chance here to tie!
  3. Cam with two minutes left to drive down for the win? I'll take that.
  4. We about to win. Cam gonna drive the offense down the field like a boss.
  5. I'd feel a lot worse about this if we had Hiroti Nakamura back there...
  6. We bout to break this thing wide open now. Don't get Cam all pumped up.
  7. Once again, NFL refs do everything they can to fug the panthers on ball spot.
  8. I used to like Beckham. Not anymore. That guy is a fuging punk ass bitch. I don't ever wish harm against players, but if he gets fuging leveled going across the middle I won't shed a tear.
  9. I told her to pickup Hightower a couple days ago but my buddy snatched him up on waivers with a 3-10 or so record just so my wife couldn't get him. If my wife wins she'll be playing his fiancé in the finals I think. This kind of collusion cannot stand and as commissioner I think I need to re-evaluate his waiver rights at this point in the season.
  10. Yeah I told her to pickup Denard Robinson. Pickins are awfully slim right now for RB's on waiver
  11. So do I tell my wife to pickup fozzy or cap for the fantasy playoffs because she had Stew and now she's gonna be pissed.
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