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  1. Yeah it’s a shame the huge haul of like a second rounder we got for CMC didn’t pan out. fuging Panthers what a joke of a franchise I wish I could stop loving them.
  2. They should have told him $150MM but no guarantees for injury
  3. I’m the biggest Bryce hater and never miss an opportunity to talk poo about him. Today was the first time I felt BY resembled an NFL QB and had a great fuging game. That’s well worth a few draft spots.
  4. “Charleston” Chuba Hubbard ”Big League” Chuba Hubbard Chuba “Hubba” Hubbard ”Bitten off more than you can” Chuba Hubbard I’ll see myself out.
  5. I’m glad to by your now empty seat to the Bryce haters ball, because the guy is still absolute trash and not an NFL QB. I am pretty sure I’ll be able to sell your seat for more than I paid as early as next game, but DEFINITELY at worst next season. He is a shitty midget.
  6. Ok and if my aunt had a dick she would be my uncle what’s your point?
  7. Lmao his best game as a pro and he still looks like a first day training camp cut for most other teams.
  8. Except when I won money and put it all on Carolina to beat the lame ass desert pirate team and won a shitload of folding money. But yes, other than that, bet against Carolina to cover the spread lol
  9. I mean JC should know that SP is a horrible piece of poo human being and the only way he will stop being a piece of poo is when he finally does the world a favor and offs himself with painkillers. No surprises here.
  10. We will never get that. And the only reason teams get those crazy hauls is because they always have an offer from Carolina as leverage to raise the asking price. When Carolina has the number one pick no one offers poo because the most poorly managed team in the NFL isn’t there to raise the trade package deal. We might get offered a 1st swap with future conditional fifth rounder, and we will probably take it and miss out on a future hall of famer. This whole organization is a joke.
  11. Is this short form for “Keep Pounding”? Clever. I like it.
  12. Please name the GM or situation that warrants getting BY for a 3rd? That is a ridiculous pipe dream. If we got more than like a conditional 6th that turns into a 5th if he throws for 4,000 yards I’d do a fuging backflip. And he hasn’t even shown enough talent to warrant that. Everyone knows we are going to cut him too. 3rd rounder is laughable.
  13. Y’all need to temper your expectations. Yes we gave up tons of first and seconds and players to get Bryce. But that was all based on perceived potential, as are all draft pick trades. You can’t expect to bluff a guy out of money in poker when all your shitty cards are showing. The NFL has seen what we have in Bryce, and knows we will release him in the off-season if he isn’t traded. So now the determining factor of his value is how much is a team willing to give up to jump the line and grab him before we release him. If they think the Panthers are just that poorly run and BY still has it, maybe they offer a little more. But at the end of the day if you think we will get ANYTHING more than a fourth round pick prepare to be upset. We can’t do anything about the colossal mistake that is BY. If we can move on from him and his cap cost with a fourth rounder, take it and run quickly.
  14. Make no mistake, he agrees with you. He is just respectful enough to not throw shade at Bryce while he is already down. Everyone knows he’s done. Only those of us on online message boards can be candid about it though.
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