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About mrford

  • Birthday 05/17/1986


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. No, my point is that they are unestablished. Look at Lawrence, be has been garbage. You can not rely soely on draft position to accurately predict success.
  2. A lot of superstitions are recognized as not statistically valid, but still followed. To each their own.
  3. You mean like Giovanni Carmazzi, Chris Redman, Tee Martin, and Spergon Wynn being 4 of the 6 QBs taken before Tom Brady? Draft position isn't absolute.
  4. Bro, that's like calling out high FG stats before the kick.
  5. he was getting beat like a drum most of the day, but still made a big play.
  6. i am ashamed of these forums. this poo is ridiculous, and im sad i bought all-pro.
  7. Not to be that guy, but around $9 a month isn't exactly free, it is just free at the point of consumption.
  8. It doesn't matter if you like soccer or not, it is a NATIONAL team. I would root for a US table tennis world champion team, I don't give a flip about the sport, but I fuggin love Murica and she gets my support whenever we have an opportunity it to show everyone how much better than them we are.
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