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Buster Bryce

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Everything posted by Buster Bryce

  1. I don’t think people realize that regardless of the situation Bitch is in .. he’s a bitch and it was a practical joke he ever went in the first round let alone first overall
  2. The most Tepper Panthers thing that could happen is Miami signs Cam .. (no, not Cam Ward, Miami's college QB) and he dazzles w/ Hill + Waddle .. wonder what the '..Cam's arm is shot..' crowd would think of that.
  3. If he gets benched w/ a fake 'injury' like @Sea last season the bet is void?
  4. Jim Harbaugh called Young ‘..as capable as they come..’ .. I think he meant as incapable as they come .. even Russell was better
  5. I don't think you would actually bet that because the odds are about -100000 in my favor, you aren't stupid
  6. I hate to break it to you but after another Bryce Young disaster class on Sunday the calls for Superman's Return are going to be very loud.
  7. According to him he’s healthy. And what are we basing Cam on .. playing for Rhule behind a garbage line in ‘21? Amazing to me so many don’t want to give Cam the benefit of the doubt
  8. You’re basing that off Cam behind a terrible offensive line .. where are all the excuses for Cam? Lmao With Cam who put the team on his back it was ‘..looks like he is done get him out..’ (with Rhule @ HC + terrible line) .. with Bryce .. ALL the excuses Our only MVP can’t get the benefit of the doubt but Little Bitch Bryce can? Make it make sense
  9. If the plug gets pulled on Bryce and Dalton becomes the starter the narrative will become: Why is Andy Dalton the Panthers starter and Cam Newton, a year younger than Dalton, sitting @ home making YouTube videos?
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