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Buster Bryce

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  1. Agreed on the part that anybody bashing Panthers for this is clueless. I am ecstatic Tepper could admit to the mistake this early in the season. I mean .. the Panthers were shutout 35-0 the last two games of last season + outscored 73-13 so far this year .. so
  2. His story isn't over in one of his favorite video games
  3. Schefter has said Bryce is done here .. if he rebounds it will have to be somewhere else .. weeee
  4. Benching Bryce has me like .. this Tepper guy might be alright after all
  5. No it makes a lot of sense. He's done here get the pussy off the roster.
  6. So you would've lost the bet .. would you have paid me 1,300? That's what I would've bet.
  7. You can't ytell because Young is THE worst QB in NFL history
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