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Everything posted by MRenshaw

  1. You guys remember this? Bryce Young Made '2-3 Wow Throws Most Days' at Canales' Panthers Camp Bryce Young wowed everyone throughout offseason workouts, according to one ESPN insider
  2. It takes a real man with real courage to change one's mind, brother.
  3. Bryce flashed very faint signs of having a weak pulse during garbage time. Bryce stans will spin it as a sign of great things to come. Intangibles, yo!
  4. Bryce has checked out. Body language and everything indicates so. No fire in him. No dawg. Just rolled over and gave up.
  5. Now you know why Reich had wanted to bench Bryce early last season. I'm now 100% that Reich tore out a significant portion of his playbook because Bryce was simply incapable of running an NFL offense. No wonder Reich checked out.
  6. Bryce stans will point to his completion percentage at half time (almost 70%) and spin it as a positive.
  7. Are you talking to Bryce on the phone?
  8. They didn't have much talent last year. Their receivers were rated lower than ours at the start of the 2023 season, and their line was decimated by injuries all season, and they had no running game.
  9. So you can't even name three on-field positives and yet you want us to believe that he could go somewhere else and be great? What is that optimism based on? His on-field performance in the NFL?
  10. Help me out then. Give me three genuine positives about Bryce's on-field performance that can counteract the negativity.
  11. Then Bryce needs to step up and be a leader.
  12. Unfortunately, everyone also saw what he could do in the NFL.
  13. Unless you're an alt of methodtoll, to whom my original question was addressed, your ad hominem interjection is the height of insecurity. Allow me to explain. Judging by your posting history, you're one of the very, very, very few Bryce defenders left. Instead of openly admitting you were wrong about Tepper's golden boy, as many others have done, or simply opting to be quiet, you take rightful criticism of Bryce as a personal affront. Moreover, instead of defending Bryce with cogent and thoughtful arguments against criticisms leveled by more senior members of this forum, you decided to single out a new user like myself and accuse me of being an alt, likely thinking that someone new to the forum would be easy to pick on and silence. When surprised by the unexpected return fire, you resorted to temper tantrums and playing the victim. You're exhibiting all the tell-tale signs of a frustrated bully and a sociopath. Since bullies are by definition insecure, it is you all along who have been projecting your own insecurity and feeling of inadequacy onto others. You are not the victim here.
  14. Wow, I hope he's gonna be OK. This is tough to watch. He's got some serious thinking to do about career-health balance.
  15. I mean I knew Bryce was tracking Wilson closely last season, but it had never occurred to me to compare him to Jamarcus. Now I know, and yikes.
  16. Bryce can stop the so-called bashing starting next Sunday. He's in control of his own destiny. Cuddle time is over. By the way, I don't like the word bashing. It implies the criticisms are unfair, but they have been largely anything but. This must be a Gen Z thing, along with the word hater.
  17. That's an interesting definition from someone who initiated this exchange with a passive-aggressive ad hominem attack and got hissy when came under return fire. Take your lumps and pick a better quarterback next time, Mr. Tepper. P.S. Could you please bring back natural grass turf?
  18. Bryce is this generation's Johnny Manziel lite, an out-of-structure improviser and backyard baller, but shorter and without Manziel's athleticism and arm. It's infuriating that people again and again become bewitched by flashy backyard college style and think it'll translate in the NFL. Strong fundamentals and the ability to play within structure should always be top priorities. Everything else is nice-to-have or irrelevant. Tepper tried to be cute, now everybody suffers.
  19. Is that photo real? If it's real, then I'd be really curious to know if he was wearing his lifts that day.
  20. Not sure you know what projection means, but I hope you won't be throwing drinks next Sunday, Mr. Tepper.
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