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Everything posted by MRenshaw

  1. We've seen this story before. Bryce has a useless temper. We were told that he was pissed after the loss to the Bears last season, so what did he do in response? Did he improve his performance on the field? Nope! He went on to score only three TDs to go with three picks in the remaining eight games of the season. He'll likely roll over and give up again.
  2. Milton ain't ready. Big arm is all he has right now. The last thing we need is yet another gimmick at the QB position.
  3. How did you know? I'm really curious how you made such a prescient call. What did you hear about Bryce and his family?
  4. He can't be doing the hiring directly though. Instead, he should delegate it to a consulting firm or ask around for help to select the right people who can do the hiring for him.
  5. We've got a chicken and egg problem here. Unless Tepper sells the team, we can only hope he has had enough humble pie and is willing to make some changes in how he approaches his ownership.
  6. The media pundits and talking heads practice access journalism. For example, Bama is the face of SEC, which has tentacles all over ESPN (SEC Network is owned by ESPN). Then there are the sports agents who rep these QB prospects. The pundits need to keep all these people, schools, and institutions on their side to gain access to get scoops and stories. The way they maintain access is by hyping up certain prospects and carrying water for certain programs at the behest of agents and schools. At the end of the day, it's up to individual NFL franchises to hire competent scouts who hunker down, watch tape, and make decisions independent of media hype. Speaking of which, we should give Hoge a try. Hire him as a consultant or scout.
  7. With that roster in Miami, they'd be a lot better off running the wild cat formation than having Bryce at QB.
  8. Maybe try a pic of Cam. Cam is timeless. His legacy is secure, and he makes all of us smile.
  9. I don't like to use the dark mode because it makes the sidebar image of Bryce stands out even more.
  10. Maybe put a Dalton pic in the sidebar or a Cam pic. I've seen enough of the Golden Calf of Tuscaloosa. Time to move on.
  11. Stroud on the Panthers would have made the team that picked Bryce regret missing out Stroud.
  12. Rick Spielman has changed his tune now. It's funny to watch him squirm while being made fun of for his glowing pre-draft assessment of Bryce.
  13. Yeah, I hope to never see that sidebar photo ever again.
  14. I hope his feet can even reach the ground when sitting on that bench.
  15. Never seen Chase Daniels so exacerbated by a qb's tape.
  16. I think this seals it. Bryce Young is the BIGGEST draft bust in the history of the National Football League, bar none.
  17. Tepper said we needed a point guard. That's why.
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