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Everything posted by VintagePanther

  1. Nah he was trash got put on his back a lot his last year
  2. I always said even tmj showed more upside than mingo . Only took him cause of Steve smith . Never even had a 1000 yard season in college
  3. I agree bro i do how did we miss this badly . This man don’t even look like a back up . He has no real talent to make up for his flaws hard to watch n he know it too
  4. How when one team won and other didn’t that’s my point I’m making don’t read too deep in it lol
  5. Throw this game tape away and move on. Said that way too many times in the past few years .
  6. Caleb Williams played like Bryce young today and his team still won . Yeah Bryce is ass but we have a culture problem and it’s not because of Bryce lol
  7. Donte Jackson got a pick today on the falcons lol it gets worse
  8. 3 sacks to a corner at least our line looked improved . RBs n qb gotta step up
  9. Why not is the question. another year under a d coordinator . Outside of burns who did we lose that was game changing . They added to safety position . Added to linebacker i felt we got better lbs this year than last . We had Deion jones starting for us. And 3string cbs and still was solid so again why would i feel like they’ll be/look this bad
  10. Easy i just said it . Our defense looked way better last year than our offense so why wouldn’t i come into game thinking they’ll look better than our offense this season ?
  11. Saints in victory formation and it’s only the 3rd qt
  12. Why did we chose Brown over Burns yall told me he was much better . He doesn’t affect the game at all . Always felt this way about him
  13. But to keep it real tho . I’m way more upset with the defense than i am offense . Offense we knew was iffy but we thought we had a solid d everybody did even other fans idk just don’t look prepared or it’s chemistry .
  14. We going to go down in history for this Bryce trade sheesh and if Caleb end up being a stud never gone relive that one lol
  15. It’s like the refs just be wanting to pile on the panthers . The NFL Script
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