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Everything posted by VintagePanther

  1. Maybe Dave gotta qb he like already in college . With this playcalling we def not tryna win let alone score
  2. You have zero chance to win if you don’t try. Bryce wtf bro you scammed the whole league not just the panthers
  3. Def and Dline look much better got Herbert uncomfortable
  4. Glad we playing a conservative Harbaugh or else this would be 30-0 already
  5. If we keep this pace i see Bryce on the bench by week 8
  6. Tryna downplay any turnover is crazy work lol can’t win for losing
  7. He’s showing out rn . The td never happens if they make the correct call . But yeah he still growing n need to make better plays on deep plays, he been hurt he still learning our fan base should know that . He gone struggle look how he respond to the struggle tho. That’s what make you a dawg . Bouncing back from a L
  8. Okay pal you right . You proved your point . Taking google screen shots lol enjoy the game man
  9. Barley touched him idk why Jansen was screaming for block in back lol at least we got more action this game than others
  10. Theilin was open for a td bryce couldn’t see him
  11. Another bad call omg the script is in we get it you want us as the laughing stock
  12. A dawg shut up horn is a dawg that’s two turn over shut up ! Yall fickle fake fans
  13. Every thing Bryce fault lol he trash we get it lol yall weird man
  14. My statement stand im not fickle like most on here .
  15. When did we ever have 6 secs to throw last year my guy ?
  16. That was a fumble two steps and a tuck damn we cursed lol
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