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Everything posted by VintagePanther

  1. Who need haters with a fanbase like us .
  2. No way !! The huddle was saying he was having his worst year this year lol
  3. Bucs fighting for the playoffs we fighting for draft slots and ir everybody who’s able. Why did yall not see this coming lol stop crying
  4. What’s the point of challenges anymore if you got replay assistance . Why do they pick and choose when to use the replay assistance . Mo
  5. True . We need help around the boards . I just hope we don’t think we can fix this team in one offseason .
  6. I’ll slap the poo out of Dan Morgan if he take a tight end top ten . They never worth that much . Never !
  7. Xl fault idc if he has his man beat and it was an under throw . btw hekker has been ass this year super ass
  8. Our defense sucks with our starters why would i cry now when the 5th stringers get mopped lol
  9. I never seen a player more afraid to tackle than Dane Jackson . Cut that man now
  10. Sack should go to ashawn that would be 6.5 on the year . Damn . LB didn’t even touch the qb lol
  11. I was mad when we let Klein get away . He was always in the right spot .
  12. T Wallace been solid af . Idk what folks be wanting out of rookies lol
  13. This fanbase is beautiful we got guys in here week in and week out rooting for the other team and Bryce downfall . Then double down on the bs when the team actually doing well . Misery loves company
  14. We won !!! Patriots wasn’t gone let us get Travis Hunter anyway I’ll take it !
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