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Everything posted by gorillamilitia13

  1. I mean this is just false. If we won it would have been because of that TD throw from Bryce to Chark that should've happened
  2. Wow this thread is asinine with all the people believing we would be in the playoffs with Dalton starting
  3. Nope. Take OL or WR and give Bryce a shot
  4. Yeah he can. He's regressing because of the lack of talent, poor coaching scheme, and poor o line play this year. He needs a reset and its too early to call him a bust. Let's see how he's performing around this time next year.
  5. I think you need to give a rookie qb until Thanksgiving of year 2 before you can start labeling him a bust
  6. The number of people excusing Reich’s performance because “he had to coach a qb he didn’t want” is fuging pathetic. 1. There is no evidence behind the rumor that Reich wanted CJ and Tepper made him draft Bryce. Absolutely none. 2. Even if that was true, which its not. That’s still not an excuse to not coach a team to the best of your ability. I hate this forum now, this place actually used to be fun.
  7. This site is so damn toxic. Bryce is a ROOKIE surrounded by terrible offensive talent, terrible o line, and terrible scheming. He will rise above of all of this. Bryce has that dawg and grit in him.
  8. There is no basis or evidence to the “Frank wanted CJ but Tepper forced him to take Young”. Please stop spreading fake news
  9. That's crazy. I completely disagree. He has shown me enough for me to believe that he has what it takes to become our franchise qb, and I think he will.
  10. Lions kept their starters in the whole game. Bryce is a rookie. He can throw. He'll be fine.
  11. Like it or not, Bryce is our best offensive player. He's not the problem and has been getting better week by week.
  12. Bryce is getting better by the week, that’s my guy. He’ll be fine
  13. Man I wish Young was taller, I'm not ready for all the short qb jokes that people also make about Kyle Murray
  14. Right when I first saw the trade I was like that’s not bad… and if the qb we take works out then the narrative will change
  15. Exactly our young core won't be young forever. You gotta take risks if you want to be successful.
  16. Carr is not a bridge and probably isn't looking to go somewhere where he is seen as one
  17. Honestly we just need good coach + franchise qb. Tepper can be ass but still manage to get lucky with that
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