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About Cover2Safety33

  • Birthday 03/19/1992

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  1. I remember all offseason hearing about the work Canales was doing to retool Bryce’s footwork. Which was a bit weird since Canales was initially complimentary of his footwork when hired. Given how much worse Bryce looks this season compared to last, especially his footwork, how much blame does Canales bear for the regression of #9? I see so many other things wrong with Bryce’s play, but footwork is fundamental for a QB. If his footwork was changed, and he’s having to think too much about that fundamental, the rest of his game is going to suffer. I never saw his stupid jump pass before this year, so something must’ve introduced that idiocy to his game. Basically, my question is whether our QB whisperer coach put an end to Bryce’s career with this offseason focus on footwork?
  2. Impressive is Darnold is standing in the pocket, taking hits, and still getting completions. He doesn’t seem skittish or afraid, even with bodies around him. I hope he can keep it up.
  3. Everyone also seems to forget THE Olindo Mare and his brief stint with us too.
  4. If we manage to win this game, then I'm not sure how badly we would need to play to lose one.
  5. I've always considered the third preseason game to be the only that mattered. First, it is the closest to a real game regarding the game planning and effort put forth by the first team, not to mention the first team playing most of the game. Second, it is the last chance our first team has to develop momentum and confidence before the season starts. Winning and success is an attitude that only comes from experiencing it. If our offense has three straight games with a slow start, then you can count on that carrying over into the season. There won't be any momentum built up for any of the offensive starters, and we've all seen the difference in our team when confident with momentum versus on their heels and struggling. This game is our first team's final chance to set the tone for the remainder of the season, and I believe that they will come out with the fire of a regular season game. I wouldn't be surprised to see Cam scramble a little either, to the worry of all others. Hears to a good game and a Panthers' victory!
  6. Maybe the answer to this question is buried somewhere in this thread, but does anyone know why Shaq didn't play this game? Coaching concerns over his earlier injury?
  7. That stop n' go in the highlight video. WHAT A ROUTE! That's the kind of thing that translates well in the NFL. This could could certainly fit in well. He fills KR/PR and would provide an insane compliment to Philly and KB. It will be interesting to see his combine numbers, I would love to know just how fast the kid is.
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