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Everything posted by CPcavedweller

  1. That was me who was pushing for Parsons. I was told he was lazy, took plays off, and would be a bust in the NFL.
  2. What the absolute fug? Would I LOVE to see CMC on the Bills? I'm not a Bill's fan. I'm not a CMC fan. I'm a Panthers fan. As soon as we get a real coach in here and I'd have to assume CJ Stroud, having CMC will be like a wet dream again man. Calm your tits down. The only player I wanted gone was Robbie(y) and walla, he's gone. Bippity boppity disappear DRAMA QUEEN. And poof, he's gone.
  3. Even this version of Jacob Eason is as good as anyone in the SEC. Let's not diminish the difference between the NFL and college. Not to mention he played in the SEC until he was supplanted by the good ol' boys clubs own JACOBBBB FROMM STATE FARM.
  4. P.J. Walker, Shi Smith.. A Panthers team with even and average offense would've won this game. That's the best defensive performance despite an abysmal offense I've seen this year. You hold the Rams to 24 points, score a touchdown, all while your offense only has 150 yards? Come on man.
  5. I'm fine with it. He's slightly more prototypical and won't deal with the same issues as Baker or P.J.. Has the arm. We are tanking at this point though. I haven't seen the Panthers look this bad since 2010. That was worse than 2010 man.
  6. How many NFL head coaches are successful when they are brought in purely for program building? That's the job of a GM in this league. You need a coach who gets the X's and O's so the players can relate.
  7. What was Rhule's "thing"? Like what did he come in being good at? Most NFL Head Coaches now have a specialty of some kind and it's beyond being a position coach for those who are successful.
  8. You didn't get that vibe watching the team play? Remember the Baker from Cleveland? The confidence he came in with each week going into each game? That has been gone. I know the team is just bad right now, but Baker's demeanor here compared to everywhere else he's been told me everything that I needed to know.
  9. I just came back to say I WAS RIGHT ABOUT WILKS. fug off. Praise god. Blessed be the fruit. RHULE IS GONE.
  10. He was detrimental to Cam? How? Mike Shula was the issue here. Dorsey's time with Josh Allen has proved that. Allen went from a 52% completion in college to nearly 70% in the NFL and the front runner of the MVP race. The Bill's are scoring what seems like 40 points per game right now. His time here with Cam was not indicative of him. It was probably more of an indictment on Cam and Shula than anything.
  11. Look at what he did with Cam, Look at what he's done with Josh Allen, now Look at what he's done with the entire Bill's offense. Almost every team having success right now has a young, offensive minded coach, or an existing one like Andy Reid. Give me Dorsey.
  12. Come on downnnn...you've just won a BRAND...NEW....JOB! CONGRATULATIONS... (Now fug off Rhule)
  13. This is why I want Ken Dorsey for Head Coach. He was here for Cam, he's been in Buffalo for Josh, and he knows what the Panther/Bills/Eagles/Chiefs way should be.
  14. Wilks was a good DC here. He went to the Cardinals and was fired after PNE SEASON because the Cardinals saw their next shiny new object. I'd personally hire Ken Dorsey to be Head Coach once Rhule is fired, but that's just me.
  15. Doesn't matter because Ickey is going to be destroyed all day long.
  16. With this awful QB? Have you seen how our left tackle is playing? Our line was supposed to be improved but instead it's more of the same. There is no road grading and there is no fence building. Ickey gets beat every other pass play. Jesus man. Some fans are going to have to learn that QB play is almost wholly dependent on protection unless you have Joe Burrow (and even he can't escape from some horrible games). Our line is a turnstile and you never know which guy is going to be beat but you can be certain it's going to happen on every, single, drop back.
  17. Do you not see what the issue is here? Baker has a photographic memory and still can't get the ball off because our offensive line is a sieve.
  18. Also, where the fug is Rashard Higgins? Shi Smith? Really. Higgins out played him in practice and preseason games yet he is MIA. Give me a guy with actual game experience that Baker has played with over a USC guy doing what USC guys do, lose to App...oh wait...suck ass jn the NFL.
  19. Nothing is wrong with Sam or Baker. Both could be good enough to get to a Super Bowl with the right staff. Tom Brady couldn't even overcome this poo show of a team. Also, we should've drafted Evan Neal. Whoever thought it was a better idea to take Ickey is an NC State Homer or a moron. He has been beaten like a 7th round pick since he took snaps with the 1's in practice. He has been the worst left tackle in the league. If they want Baker to survive, they need to move Ickey to the right and Moton to the left; it can't be any worse than it is right now.
  20. What is Rhule's thing? Most NFL head coaches have a thing whether it's running backs (Daboll), defensive scheme (Buffalo, Washington, Seattle), Offense (Green Bay, Denver, Los Angeles). Like what is his thing? As far as I can tell he doesn't have a thing that he's actually good at so he doesn't full understand the game and how to manage it.
  21. He's bad man. It's not Baker, it's not Sam, it's Rhule. Point, blank, period. We hired a guy who turned around Temple and Baylor, and the team who wanted him other than us just BEAT Rhule with a first year head coach. So way to go Tepper.
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