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Everything posted by CPcavedweller

  1. I would prefer that people accept their spanking like a 4 year old, and move on. Test the balls if you want but 45-7 isn't a fluke, especially given the Colts history against the Patriots since Luck has arrived. The result shouldn't be any more surprising than the Seahawks come back.
  2. The ref's checked the balls. Now if you want to say ref's aided in the outcome of a 45-7 game go ahead. The only way to solve this type of issue, or at least absolve the possibility is by putting ref's on a fixed salary and make it a full time job for them. They have no incentive to not accept kick backs as their checks are not guaranteed. And UNC would never win by 100. Not on a boat with a goat, with a bear with no hair, with a mosquito drinking a mojito.
  3. Maybe it was the first time you NOTICED it. For the love of The Golden Calf of Bristol, did none of you fools here take psychology 101 and understand how you're personal feelings toward a team or person could affect the way you view things?
  4. Exactly, 45-7! People just dislike the Patriots, in the words of the fictional character Kim Jong Un, "They hate us because a they ain't us!". And that's what I read from many of my fellow Panther's fans. It's relatively easy to view this objectively but many of you have already formed your opinion on the Patriots since that 2003 loss.
  5. Fine, hold that against them. The fact of the matter is they have been the epitome of a championship Franchise for going on 15 years now and not all of that has come as a result of supposed cheating. You all are beginning to sound like the whiners on ESPN comment sections simply because you read an article and completely agreed with what was presented to you without knowing the actual facts of the situation. Everyone knows the job of the media is to stir the pot, especially in sports journalism. It has taken on a form of yellow journalism used to create hysteria and manufacture hatred, or love for one team or another. It is good for the media to continue the narrative that Andrew Luck is the second coming The Golden Calf of Bristol due to the story line they began creating since he was at Stanford.
  6. If they broke the rules, then they deserved to be punished as such. My point was the score was 45-7! This wasn't a close game at any point and the ref's supposedly checked the game balls at half time. So this is an attempt to minimize the result of the game and turn it into a classic, "the Patriots cheat" argument. I am a man of integrity personally and professionally and while I find it repulsive to thing that the Patriots would deflate balls below the threshold allowed, the balls were checked, the game continued, and the Patriots in true Patriot form came out and dominated the second half.
  7. You bunch of ninnies finding any and every reason to bash an organization that has done nothing but win since 2001 when Bill sold his soul to the devil and acquired the football jesus himself, Tom Brady. Once again. the score was 45 to fuging 7. You guys are absurd in thinking a deflated ball led to a 17-7 lead. Could it be that the Colts play and practice indoors yet Brady and company just don't lose at home? Look at their statistics at home in December and January and tell me what you think the odds the Patriots were going to win were anyway. We beat the Patriots last season and always seem to play them close when we do play. Today's NFL is to keep games close, and when they aren't close due to ref calls, then people search for other reasons. Maybe it was that Luck has sucked against the Pat's every time they have played. Maybe it is every team that goes to Foxborough from December onward is destined to lose in humiliating fashion. There were no deflated balls, this is an attempt to save face by the Colts organization because they were absolutely destroyed in the first really high profile game of their new "Mannings" career. Now his career may very well be mirroring that of Manning than ever before and in my opinion may be headed down a Marino type path.
  8. 45-7......45-7......45-7....deflated balls do not cause a game to be 45-7. And apparently after the officials inspected the balls at halftime when the lead was only 17-7, the Patriots scored 4 straight TD's. So the only balls that were deflated during and after this game were the Colts.
  9. My two year old also wore his Cam jersey for the first time since the first 49ers game last season. "It's only weird if it doesn't work"
  10. He should be used wherever we need him. He could've been drafted as a CB if his play the last half of his senior year at App was any indication. Too bad he is such an exceptional athlete. It'll be neat to see him, Washington, Peacock, Quick, and Armanti all lining up come August though.
  11. You can tell in post game press conferences that the focus is on the next game. Cam mentions this at least 10 times a presser. The final word in the locker room is also to always be prepared to work for next week. If we lose, it won't be for lack of focus on the task at hand. I believe it all comes down to coaching and the game plan that is drawn up.
  12. There are no such thing as trap games for this team. They've come too far to soon to forget the pains of the last 5 years.
  13. Remember what happened last year when the coals were stirred by the firing of Marty Hurney? Yeah players love him, hopefully this has the same effect it had last year. "Holy poo Guys, Rivera may be fired. Should we start to play now?" It seems like this is the conversation that goes on.
  14. You should go take Persons job. I'm sure he will pick up on the Forbes article and suggest reports of illegitimate children of Cams are popping up all over the QC. Your writing skills are adequate and your ability to find positives that require actually digging into. Plus they don't have to pay other freelance photographers when they have two in one.
  15. You know what, I've never seen Cam run downs celebrate with his teammates the way he does now. It's pretty awesome to see that. Seems like he Loves having Ginn here.
  16. Here comes Cover 3 all the way, shades of Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta again, Jaguars(2010 end of first half). So many shades I gotta turn the lights on.
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