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Everything posted by CPcavedweller

  1. Dude, you are on the Hawks board as a fan there as well. Sad, sad, little man you are.
  2. You are speaking the same way about Wilson as people speak of stopping our offense. "Bracket Olsen, spy Cam". "Once more tape becomes available the read option won't work and Cam will begin to faulter". I don't mean to create a stir, but your post is quite generic.
  3. I have Washington winning that game simply because of the weather and Green Bay's lack of a wide receiver outside of Cobb and no tight end to speak of.
  4. Green Bay? At least we have speed and a savvy veteran who knows the nuances of his position. Green Bay has none of that.
  5. Most are new people much like yourself. They come off of the comments sections and bring their poo logic here and run the place until we begin to lose, then the posters who don't have a jersey from a second team hanging in the back of their closet stick around and civility ensues. In regards to the topic at hand, if it weren't for Cam having the year he has had I would have no qualms about Wilson winning the MVP.
  6. Most of the Seattle fans on their main board are actually quite understanding. The ones who are arguing for Russell Wilson are doing so for the sake of argument, and usually concede that Cam had a stellar season as well. Insecurity's showing through man.
  7. Are you saying, Cam Newton, had a baby on Christmas Eve! As the Roarig Riot wandered across the wilderness and rain soaked ground of South Carolina into Georgia bearing gifts? They met with the wiseman Igo. Cam Newton: A Christmas Story.
  8. I defiantly agree. Defiantly a good place to come after a down year to prove oneself for defiantly a bigger contract elsewhere the next season. Defiantly a solid point defiantly defiantly defiantly.
  9. He originally committed to App with Edwards at QB as he should have.
  10. In the words of Shawn Spencer Psychic Detective, "Baby Thor".
  11. SSA Derrick Morgan? He was a college QB then found a career in the FBI. Think he will be good since he's been out of the game a while?
  12. The table thing is bullshit though. If any other student does that it's funny but dies down in ten minutes. But he didn't "suit up" apparently there was a miscommunication in what he was supposed to do. Was an equipment manager or something
  13. Aside from the alleged rape that took place I don't know that I would say Winston has character concerns. Player's follow him, he was the vocal leader of that team as a redshirt freshman, that alone will get him looks. Coaches like him, players like him, and once he goes a couple of years without being in trouble and begins to give back the way Cam has, the general public will like him. The argument I have is not related to off the field issues but the phrase, "the most NFL ready QB." Need I remind any Panther fan where we have heard that before.
  14. Think about having Hardy in situations where we had Wes Horton and Mario Addison playing last year. Let that sink in, and then decide if you want Hardy back.
  15. I was in the upper deck and it was still a magical moment, though slightly dulled by the copious amounts of alcohol ingested all day.
  16. See, I like Smith, but lets be honest. Cam doesn't have the best field vision yet though I do expect it to get better. I don't know how much more Smith would add to our offense than Ginn, but it isn't impossible that we sign both. Ginn will be utilized exclusively on special teams if he and Smith are both signed though and I would that as a win-win situation for us. Brown would be ahead of Ginn ultimately leaving Ginn as the 5th option in the rotation and for use on gadget plays.
  17. As an individual, not much, but to group he could help a lot. There aren't many defensive backs who can keep up with Ginn or Brown much less having a team that has two people. This forces a safety to play over the top on them instead of rolling over to cover Benji or Olsen. That also opens up our run game because the safeties will have to play honest to cope with the speed on the field. Ultimately it spreads the line, opens run lanes, leaves Benji and Olsen in more one on ones, and gives us two guys who can out run anyone we face.
  18. From a business standpoint, you can't look at what could've been avoided by not signing Hardy. What he has got to do is demonstrate that this type of behavior will not occur again, and then you must examine his worth going forward.
  19. Wow. Can we please bring this guy back. If he didn't play angry before he will be now.
  20. Logic dictates that it is a reasonable explanation given that the only ball deflated significantly was in the possession of a ball boy for the Colts. Given the preparation process outlined by Belichik, the other balls were in an expected range. Do I need to mention that after given balls properly inflated the Pats scored 4 straight TDs? So where is the advantage?
  21. So Bill and Dick own up to Spygate without hesitation, yet people still say poo like this as if they would never own up to any mistake. Stupid comments from stupid people.
  22. Just swipe right. Always swipe right. When you get a fine collection of people you know are interested after you were just swiping as fast as possible, you remove the undesirables and you're left with a list of chicks you can hit up anytime knowing they are interested. It takes the guess work out of going to a bar or club and put's the power of choice right in the palm of your hand.
  23. Hardy started his own form of charity making a fraction of what TD does, or did. Why you point out Hardy here I do not know. Personally, I hope everyone in the NFL was watching because what he said was spot on. Guys do far worse than anything Hardy has done and did in his current legal battle and get away with it.
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