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Everything posted by CPcavedweller

  1. His games against Alabama, Auburn, and anyone else with a Pulse tells me what I need to know. If you aren't sold on Lawrence, I'm not sure how you believe that anyone else in the draft should be taken above pick 33.
  2. Last year was his 2nd year in the league. He was raw coming in and everyone knew it would take time, as it usually does with offensive linemen taking outside of the Top 10. People seem to forget that the developmental curve for offensive linemen is far steeper than all skill positions.
  3. Did you watch Heinicke in college? Or look at his stats? He was far more than a guy who just threw the ball a lot.
  4. An insurrection requires a goal of overthrowing a government. I think most can agree that group had no goals. It was a riot. Far less intense and destructive than anything that happened this summer. Right, wrong, or indifferent, both situations are bad but the only dissimilarity is the Democrat reponse. Republicans opposed both sides, Democrats not only provided cover for but urged on the nighttime rioting, murder, and mayhem.
  5. No Biden celebrations? No summer rioting? No looting? Your true colors are showing. Fact is that spread outdoors is minimal. For my age group, COVID is less deadly than influenza. Why ruin my life? Fact of the matter is masks don't work. 6 Feet doesn't work. Your best bet is to be outdoors, preferably on separate boats near the ocean where the wind is dispersing aerosols. Suck it.
  6. Police brutality much? Guy wasn't resisting, was unarmed, and slid. If we desire real reform, that tackle and subsequent knee to the back, after sliding and giving himself up, is a quality example of why kneeling is taking place.
  7. Andy Reid offensive coaching branches have no been quality head coaches. It's that simple.
  8. The Bucs don't have fans....everyone knows this. They are like Jacksonville, some mythical creature you hear of but never see until your 10 minutes from Tampa on I-4.
  9. Yet most of you here want another NDSU product. Jokes on y'all.
  10. 3:42 into the video you provided. Don't want him if he can't read that split safety.
  11. Same thing happened to Armanti Edwards. Unfortunately, as far as the NFL goes, he was ahead of his time. I'm not seeing what everyone else sees with Lance. I watch a lot of football and you can't really get a read on how good he is because of who he is playing with and against. NDSU may well win C-USA, the worst FBS conference, while the rest of the MVFC would finish in the bottom half. It's not even close.
  12. To be fair, Lance has never lost. So what adversity has he gone through to see how he really may behave? Product of the watering down of FCS with losses of quality programs going back to the Mid-90's.
  13. Again, depends on the guy you get. As an aside, I found it interesting that Brian Kelly was asked about his margin of defeat in BCS/Playoffs because they lost by 14 to Alabama but no one asked Ryan Day about it.
  14. The Eagles were bad this season. Their offensive line was re-arranged like 12 times. What do you want the guy to do? Even if the Eagles had Mahomes, they still end up with a losing record.
  15. Honestly, what Fields was asked to do was far more complex than anything Jones did throughout the season. I also like Fields athletic ability. I feel like he could have a Herbert like year in this offense. A lot of people here seem to dislike Brady but much of Brady's offense was built to do what Teddy is comfortable with. I also saw a thread on a potential Jimmy G trade with Teddy, where most people said they are the same guy. Jimmy G has a YPA of at least a yard higher than Teddy every season they have played. Jimmy also hasn't had receivers in New England or San Francisco, other than Kittle, that come close to what we currently have. I tend to believe we'd get the Jimmy G who stepped up when Brady was out. He's not a dink and dunk guy.
  16. If you watched the Coaches Corner broadcast of the National Championship game, you'd see why Jones was so productive. Literally every pass he hit in that game was scripted. He didn't come off of his first read on any pass play that I saw. The RPO game was too much for Ohio State, Jones made his ONE read on his key, and made the pass to his FIRST read, every time. Ohio State ran a lot of single high safety in order to contain the run game, thinking they could get pressure on Jones and force some errant throws. But, they only got pressure once or twice and every single RPO Jones made the read and the throw. His production was based on the talent surrounding him and the offense, not his abilities. Did he make the throws? Sure. But in the NFL you're asked to do more than make the one read given for a play based on one defensive key. I wouldn't take Jones before Round 4.
  17. Perhaps, but you're also only counting known infections and not people who simply have the virus and are asymptomatic. With those numbers, you likely cut down the 10x to 1.5x. I'm also not convinced that this hasn't been in the US longer than the known case in Seattle.
  18. Truth of the matter is that if you don't feel bad, you aren't necessarily going to know to stay home. Fun fact: anyone can get the Flu. Many, many people likely have the Flu and are asymptomatic; a virus that killed 61,099 in the US alone during the winter of 2017-2018. The response to those deaths is minimal and it's understandable. Coronavirus seems to be more cantagious, sure, but we don't know what the true mortality rate is. Most likely we will find the mortality rate to be much lower than it's projected right now as there are going to be many, many people without symptoms and many more who have symptoms but aren't tested, thus aren't included in immediate "confirmed cases"
  19. My only message on these issues are to be careful of what freedoms you give away during the panic. There is enough evidence in history to show that power grabs generally occur during times of extreme anxiety and the Executive at each level of Government are issuing orders and bans that they have no constitutional authority to issue. However, in a time like this, people will abide by the order because it's a common sense issue, legal or not. I've seen infringements on the 1st, 4th, 9th, and 10th Amendments thus far, as well as issues with Separation of Powers Clause. National Emergency (and State level) Declarations does not absolve the Government of the requirement to issue lawful orders. Secondly, for all the people clamoring for Government run healthcare and using the Wuhan Virus (there are several iterations of coronavirus) as an example, you're looking at this the wrong way. You say we need Government run care to make care free and accessible while deriding the governments inability to provide any "adequate" response; and of course the scapegoat is Trump. But the fact of the matter is that Government run healthcare, in any crisis, would look far worse and result in more constitutional violations than we have seen thus far. When you control the means of production and capital, you must control the supply and demand and in the case of healthcare, it's people. Thus far, 0.0023189% of the world has this Virus. It will likely peak at around 0.002459%. Careful what you hand over during this because you aren't guaranteed to get it back.
  20. " im DabDeezNuts224 on there. They went to the memes pretty fast " " BleedGreenNblue NET Veteran Posts: 821 Joined: Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:53 am Location: Augusta, GA" Good job numb nuts.
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