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Everything posted by CPcavedweller

  1. It's Grayson McCall or bust for me. But if Baker starts and the Panthers go 11-6 and make it to the Divisional while putting up Top 12 numbers in important categories, are tou really going to jettison him? No. The scenarios Baker is cut loose with Sam are if the Panthers miss the playoffs completely and Baker sucks, or the Panthers make the playoffs in spite of his play. Otherwise we likely keep him if he shows himself to be the leader and performer the Panthers have been missing. It may also be a Jimmy G scenario where we hold onto gim for two or three seasons and then cut bait.
  2. His suspension won't be settled until after the season starts so he will, in effect, have an injunction on serving any suspension jntil that's settled. Overall, I don't care and I don't think it matters. I think the Panthers win this game. As an aside, I'm so very glad Watson didn't end up here. The more I read about his situation the more uncomfortable I get. Add in the media circus that will follow and you've got a recipe for distraction. There is also no way he can lead a locker room of grown men if he is guilty of what is alleged. Real men do not support other men who sexually harass women in the manner that Watson appears to have done. He should be suspended for a year with some serious stipulations. At this point, it's serial and likely an addiction for him. I'm sure there are others out there that never came forward as well who may have given in to his advances.
  3. We should all hope Baker and Corral shine through so we can cut bait with Sam. Trade him and take on half of his salary like we did with Baker, get your 6th round pick back and it's an even trade for a better QB.
  4. What good does everyone getting fired do for anyone? All he will have to do is learn yet another offense. It's really astounding Baker managed to do as well as he did considering he had like 4 head coaches and as many coordinators in 4 years. I'd like to see what Baker could do with more than one season in the same offense.
  5. I'm saying that once pressure gets there, no one is good.
  6. There is a difference between being in on it and knowing. It's sort of like elections, you don't need all 50 states to be in on throwing something. You just need three or four key precincts throughout the entire country to change the outcome. Likewise, to throw a game in the NFL, you just need two or three people who don't even need to know. Now I'm not saying either of these things happen. I'm just saying that to get the result, you only need relatively microscopic keys.
  7. Higgins information is easy to find. He dropped because of personal conduct issues but otherwise he would've been a very high draft pick. I think he should get run over Robbie(y) Anderson personally, especially if Baker is starting.
  8. Yeah, when you target and have some info that the NFL is on your side regarding ref's, you WOULD KNOW YOU fuging BEESH.
  9. We just saw 2 minutes of drills. There isn't much you can take away other than Sam looked like the third best QB in those drills.
  10. Good. He can run drills. Can he memorize the playbook and opposing defenses? Can he command the huddle and the team? There is much more here than his physical abilities which literally no one has ever doubted.
  11. Really? How much proof do you have of this at the NFL level? He's had two seasons, one of which was during a global pandemic with dumbass restrictions in place. So in reality he has had ONE YEAR that was somewhat normal. You have zero evidence to support this. More Huddle Bullshit.
  12. Matt started his throw earlier as well. I don't think anyone is debating Matt's physical ability to throw a football. People are saying that an NFL playbook is far different than having NO playbook in college. So let him sit a year like Patrick Maholmes did and like Trey Lance did. What do we stand to gain from him being potentially hurt in year 1, or worse, develop bad habits, in what's probably a .500 year?
  13. There is a reason for this, of course. The Vikings are actually running installs right now, in parts apparently.
  14. I was...one of them... Poor 18 year old me was duped, along with almost everyone else. Clausen is one of the biggest failures I've ever seen as a player. Good dude, just fell completely off the face of the Earth from college to the NFL.
  15. No "old schooler" ever said "show up early and then do nothing". The assumption is rhat your effort is good along with showing up early. Why kids think they know all is something I'll never undunderstand. Or especially now where they are taught everything that came before them is bad in some way, shape, or form. Pro tip, being early is still a good thing in our culture. A lack of effort was never acceptable except, ironically, in unionized work. That aside, no boomer said show up early and sit on your ass.
  16. Every injury I've seen him get happened after being hit. He then continues to play and eventually leaves. Obviously the Hamstring was different but that, again, comes from overuse. So you reduce the hits on CMC and you likely extend his season.
  17. We already saw, he still checks down every opportunity he gets. It may have been one day, but it's one day that's a continuation of 4 years. Baker is looking to score, Sam is looking for a safety valve. Give me BAKER. I didn't even fuging want Baker or the trade, I saw it as pointless. Yesterday opened my eyes to the difference between Sam and Baker. One will get CMC hurt again, one will actually allow CMC to run a route without having the ball thrown to him. Bakers ability to see the field and push the ball downfield also opens up the playbook whereas Sam's style contracts it.
  18. He would've checked down and got CMC killed.
  19. Dude, he's already checking down every chance he's getting with the 1's while Baker has been pushing the ball vertically. It's the same song and dance with both Baker and Sam. Baker pushes the ball downfield and takes some risks but also hits big plays, Sam is Teddy Two Gloves in terms of checking down. Want to extend CMC's season? Go with Baker. He won't check it down 14 times a game and put all that wear and tear on CMC.
  20. Coach Fitt said the QB competition begins Monday. So in a way, you're right, there hasn't been one. It starts when the pads are on they say.
  21. I'm confused, what's wrong with our camp? Sure, the Panthers have been relatively poor since Cam got hurt in 2018, but what is wrong this year, specifically?
  22. So you know more than the blue check who knows people in the league? Naw, ya don't.
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