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Everything posted by CPcavedweller

  1. I might go. Still considering if I can make my 5 and 3 year old interested enough to make it worth my time. I wanna do something for me but as a stay at home dad who also WORKS FROM HOME for 10 hours a day, we all need to get out. What is a Masters Degree good for anyway? At this rate, should've gone for early childhood education or something.
  2. In 2013, after being 0-9 on 3rd downs against the Saints and I believe 7 3 and outs throughout the game, Cam steps up and hits Ted Ginn after being smacked in the face and Ginn takes it 38 yards. Three plays later Hixon makes a catch in the endzone and BoA was literally shaking. This proves nothing. The guy watches film. Whoopidy do da day.
  3. Year 3 was always the true 1st year of evaluation unless he had pulled an Urban Meyer. The Panthers were garbage under Rivera in Years 1 and 2. Rhule has a history that shows Year 3 is the year where his program results in wins. If it's more of the same, Rhule will likely be fired.
  4. So the only way we keep PJ is if we trade Sam. The only way this split rep crap makes sense.
  5. Didn't get in better shape? Dude was 299 lbs of lean muscle mass at Louisville. Literally 17% BF at 360 lbs. So it's not because he's not in shape, it's just because he's a massive human being.
  6. There are no 4's. It's just 3's and they rotate guys in. This according to Rhule.
  7. Now that's how you get players to like you. Go 2.5 hours yesterday and then announce that they don't practice the next day.
  8. I've literally never seen that on an NFL depth chart.
  9. The Rams will trade for him somehow.
  10. I would give a 2nd and 5th for Roquan Smith in a heart beat. I went back and watched some games from 2012 to 2018 and God damn could that defense fly to the ball and HIT. Kuechly's athleticism was so underrated by all that it's not even funny. His change of direction, Lateral speed, short area burst, and quickness are something I haven't seen in a long time. Then if we could go out next year and draft a guy similar to Thomas Davis, hot damn. We didn't realize what we had at the time. Hell, even with TD, Luke, ans Jon Beason we didn't know. Those are three Hall of Fame talents. I feel like Kuechly is the only near term HOFer there but Davis may get in one day. He was a menace.
  11. Mr. Scot, everyone is under a mandate to perform, whether you're a janitor, in a marriage contract, engaged, a child in school, or an NFL Head Coach. There are expectations for everyone and more specifically, goals to reach. So to say "no" would be a lie as I'm sure they have goals to reach. The correct answer would've been what he gave, along with "I won't give our seasons goals" because they likely don't align with what Panthers fans would like to see. They know the reality of the roster.
  12. Amazing how far Charleston Rambo has fallen. From great Oklahoma wide receiver to training camp fodder.
  13. Go watch highlights of Kuechly and tell me he wasn't a physical freak of nature. Luke was more of an athlete than most middle linebackers in the league right now and to say anything otherwise I'd say is discounting his athleticism because he was a white dude.
  14. Who's to say that he isn't? If NFL owners were "blowing their money" by owning an NFL team, guess what? They wouldn't own the team. It's the same as owning any other business and this take that billionaires (usually in non-liquid assets) could somehow magically make rainbows and unicorns is a fallacy that should be left to the tinderbox. It's a garbage take based on nothing but emotional, irrational thinking. Sounds good, but generally false.
  15. He said difference of opinion. It's likely like Mills seriously challenged Rivera on something or just blatantly disregarded an instruction regarding how to run something.
  16. What's the problem? Rivera is the head football coach. He can't be held hostage due to who someone's father was.
  17. You don't think David Gettis makes it back from injury this year?
  18. Probably as much to do with Bill's defense as it is the Patriots offense.
  19. Just prefer Higgins to Anderson is all. Saunders isn't going to replace Anderson on the outside. I get Anderson can run, I really do, but his stone hands probably cost the Panthers two games last year. Specifically remember one sequence where he dropped three straight. Not a good look when a guy can go out and do that and be left in while a guy like Higgins may celebrate in practice and everyone gets to run.
  20. If we saw something we liked wouldn't we have brought him in before now?
  21. Zylstra made a lot of big plays early. Personally, I'd rather see Higgins and Saunders play than Anderson.
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