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Everything posted by CPcavedweller

  1. That's the point. We couldn't come out looking as bad as last year and we have. It's not Baker, it's not the defense, it's coaching. Point blank. There is enough talent to win but this staff sucks.
  2. Failed. Very, very few teams make the playoffs after starting 0-2. The offensive line still sucks, the defense still plays undisciplined football, and our situational offense still sucks. I don't blame Baker. Tom Brady would fail behind this line, throwing to Shi Smith, Robbie Anderson, and Ian Thomas. Rhule needs to go. Fire him now. There has been zero improvement from his first game in 2020 to now and things are only going to spiral from here.
  3. The NFL is always a game of inches. Very rarely are teams blown out. So they often come down to this issues of calls, no calls, and plays being made. To have two terrible reffing issues on the last drive of the game is inexcusable. If people want to blame Baker, fine. But understand receivers were not open and all of the State fan boys favorite pick was getting beat like a damn drum every, single, play. Hard to get the ball out when the 6th overall pick is a turnstile and your drama queen WR can't get open except for one play. So yeah, refs screwed the Panthers. This is not on Rhule, it's not on Baker l, it's not on Snow. Rules are there to be enforced and one wasn't while the other was phantom. Both on the last drive. But impacted the game.
  4. I wouldn't want that UNC "act like a baby when we lose to App State" Blue either.
  5. If it's homerism, is it a good bet? No. Even with Bucs offensive line problems, I don't see any way the Panthers beat them. Maybe Baker does what he did in Cleveland and we manage to beat the Bucs like he did the Steelers. But, I doubt it. Even if we could win the division, there is no guarantee we'd beat them in the playoffs (unrelated to the bet). I also feel as if people are sleeping hard on the Saints. The lack of respect is earned, for sure, but they have a stout defense and their offense is stacked.
  6. Owns? How many National Championships does Hubert have? How many Final 4's? 0 and 1? Yeah. Go away peasant.
  7. That's sort of like Rhule and Brady saying they had things, but then you never see it. As far as the pandemic starting and limiting options, there were a few things they took away. I don't remember what they were but I know some didn't come back. I don't really eat fast food so probably why I don't remember.
  8. Mcadoo is a Chinese buffet. Brady was mcdinalds right when COVID hit and all they sold were cheeseburgers and nuggets.
  9. Why were you hoping to get a chance to evaluate? What is your opinion worth, to anyone? A multi-billion dollar business does not care one bit what you, as an individual, want to "evaluate".
  10. Jim Harbough didn't struggle, at all.
  11. Higgins may have been the best Panthers receiver this preseason. I don't understand what he needs to do to jump Robbie in Rhule's eyes but he's clearly better.
  12. I'm sorry, but someone else has been the 2nd best receiver on the team and it's not RA or Shi Smith. It's Rashard Higgins.
  13. Sam Howell would've looked like garbage as well considering the number of reps that Corral got thanks to this "QB Competition". If this coaching staff had approached this like an NFL team then Corral would've been getting all the number 2 reps and some number 1's on days Baker may have gotten off.
  14. You don't thinik Corral has a strong arm? Seems P.J. Walker took all of the reps with the second team in every situation that we could've seen. They essentially ran Corral with the 3's and cut bait in practice and then said "Here, go out there and run the offense" during the games. They sent him out there as fuging bull bait man and that is complete garbage. Dude has had minimal reps in practice so how was he suppose to perform in games?
  15. So that should result in Talib being charged with 1 st Degree Murder as well right?
  16. It's not that people didn't know he would need time, but he gave up two sacks in like 5 plays and was beat a few more times.
  17. I'd have preferred Evan Neal personally. The dude is huge, fit, and powerful with amazing athleticism for his size. Not sure why anyone would've picked Ickey over him honestly.
  18. He played at Western Kentucky. Man, some of yall are clueless.
  19. For me, the 2013 Saints game that was a de facto championship game. The game itself was incredibly boring but the end made it all worthwhile. Sitting in the rain, seeing Luke and TD go off. Next up to that experience was the 2013 game against the Patriots on MNF. Stadium was literally rocking.
  20. Okay, and Baker was a locker room cancer who divided the locker room. Guess what we found out when he got here? Likely the same story with Gorropolo
  21. In the "B league"? The gap between the top of the G5 and the P5 programs outside the top 10 is large in cash alone, not talent. Fresno, Boise, App State, UCF, Cincinnati, Memphis, ECU (not so recent but even 2018 I believe), and others have shown this. Hell, Western Michigan beat the ACC Champs last year. A coach can coach and Rhule proved he was a good college coach. I think his issue in the league was related to COVID and his lack of a professional network from which to pull a coaching staff.
  22. I mean, this same thing sort of happened with Armanti Edwards. If Edwards came out of the draft now he would almost certainly be with the Ravens or 49er's, as a QB. But at the time John Fox (rightfully) wanted no part because the mold was what it was (it is what it is) at that time. Not sure if that's what is going on here though.
  23. Tae Hayes was great considering he's only been here a week. Did everything I'd have expected coming from App. Plays tight coverage, flows downhill hard on those quick screens and slants.
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