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Everything posted by CPcavedweller

  1. Drew Brees was 3 inches and 25 lbs heavier than Young. Let that sink in
  2. There is a big difference, no pun intended, between the 80's and now.
  3. No one should be comparing Richardson to Newton. Period. There is no comparison to be made. Newton was a better thrower, a better runner, slightly bigger, etc. etc. People seem to forget how elite Cam truly was coming out.
  4. And so we, as fans, will be. While we watch whomever we passed on and lose in the next two drafts succeed.
  5. Look at Strouds footwork and ball placement and tell me he's not easy to coach. You don't get to where he is, as a QB, without being coacheable. This, if anything, is a lie to put it mildly.
  6. And it would be a mistake to take a guy with average everything except a mental processing test he's been practicing for four years.
  7. I still think Levis is going to end up being a good player. I'm much more intrigued by his 2021 tape than I am Richardsons, at any point. We saw 8 years of boom or bust with Cam, then however many years with Jake before that. I just want consistency man. I think Stroud provides that but I really think Levis has a high ceiling with his mobility, arm strength, experience, and pro style read integration.
  8. Just to hash out contract details so he can sign and get to work with the BOYZZZZ
  9. It sounds to me like Nagy didn't go to Ohio State's Oro Day and see Stroud in person. Dude is so mechanically sound people just write him off. Whatever. Prove em wrong CJ, here or in Houston. Been doing it your whole life.
  10. It'd that Troy University edu-muh-cation kicking in.
  11. CJ Stroud, quite clearly. Unless the RPO opens up some holes for Young to throw through, he's not only going to take the time to make his read but then he will be scrambling. It'll make for some interesting play but I'd really, really love to see a Panthers QB that just delivers strikes man. Drop it in the bucket, "time after time"
  12. I'm into nutrition and fitness. The key is to stop eating processed junk food. As for gaining or losing weight, its about nutrition as well as the balance of movement and intake. The reason diets "fail" is that people go back to their previous eating and movement habits. So their "set point" is really a mix of behavior and physiology, rather than solely one or the other. It's like a graph of supply and demand, but movement and intake. If you reduce your movement and increase your intake/change your nutrition after the diet is over, you will return to the balance of the two; equilibrium. To me, moderation should include no processed foods for a normal person. Outside of the grocery store. People say counting calories shouldn't be necessary but you don't stop at every gas station you pass to fill up your car, do you? Think about how many garbage food places you see on a day to day basis. Eat well, be well.
  13. That's my fear. The Bucs and Jags got it right by going back from their attempts to modernize. I fear the Panthers will be in the same boat.
  14. You hate the silver? Always? Man, the new logo already took it too far for me. Now we are taking out silver. There are ways to modernize things without destroying the past.
  15. Look dude-o, I can already throw a ball 60 yards at 5'9 165. It isn't out of the question to assume that at 6'3, with longer arms, I could launch it 75 or 80. Suck it.
  16. You don't gamble with the number one pick. Taking Young is a gamble, simple and plain. He and Richardson are both huge question marks at this level and if the Panthers are like the Dolphins with Tua in four years, we will all be suggesting everyone be fired and Tepper to sell.
  17. If I was 6'3 and 220, I could probably play in the NFL but no, I'm 5"9 165. So, what's their point? Size matters, to your wife and in the NFL. Don't let them lie to you.
  18. ....I'd trade Stroud and 3 firsts plus my 3rd born for Trevor Lawrence, with Dave Caldwell, Reich, and Josh McCown on staff. How can anyone say this? That they "weren't high on Lawrence"? He's quite literally a generational talent and took out the new golden boy Phillip Rivers replacement after coming back from 27-0, in the playoffs. Jesus Henry Christ.
  19. You also have to think that in the NFL, probably half of the DE's and all linebackers will be just as fast as he is. So his mobility isn't going to be nearly as much of an advantage at this level. Add in the fact that he's got Jimmy Clausen Arm strength and I'd be worried. You also saw the drop off between last year and this year after he lost two first round receivers, even with a Kamara clan in Gibbs and the still, Uber talented receivers Bama has. Maybe the experts have it right but man, trading all of what we did to move up and rolling the dice on Young breaking the mold? We rolled the dice on Cam because he, at the time, was a unicorn, much like Richardson but with much better mechanics. You're on the opposite end of the spectrum with Bryce where he has to do everything in spite of his size and lack of elite traits. I'm just not buying that Levis, Richardson, and Stroud wouldn't have done just as well if not better than Young if they were at Bama. Thats the thing. If you substitute any one of these QB's for each other, what would it look like? Levis has the arm and some of his throws are very NFL-esque where he is holding safeties with his eyes then making the throw 0.5 seconds later to a tiny opening. He's making timing throws, reading and holding safeties, calling protections and audibles, playing with half as much talent at Kentucky as Young has had. I don't know man. My order would be Stroud, Levis, Richardson, Haener, Hooker, Young. I can bookmark this to revisit in December but I really think, in terms of NFL success, that's what it's going to look like. If Levis falls and I'm the Steelers, I may even consider picking him up in the 1st and offloading Pickett.
  20. Was he from the recruiting violations classes of Ole Miss? Where the magically started pulling 5 stars?
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