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Everything posted by CPcavedweller

  1. He has offensive linemen size hands at receiver.
  2. Oh fine, ya got me. So happy our QB can recognize a blitz and slide protection. Everyone! Everyone! Make way, the next 5'9 Payton Manning hath arrived! Seriously. It's one story about a team aligning in such a way it can only be one thing at that level. It's logical deduction and it's an easy one to make at that.
  3. That's fine. No one knows how Young will do. If you wanna crown his ass then crown him.
  4. Y'all are slobbering over recognizing an overload blitz? My god.
  5. I'd still rather have Darnold with this coaching staff than Bryce Young. He's had two of the worst coaching staff's in the NFL in the past 23 years.
  6. Cam runs bigger than 220. The question is if he can do it several weeks in a row.
  7. Go watch Cam Peoples highlights and you'll see why he was a priority UDFA. 6'1 220, runs like he's 230. Had 95 yards in one half against Miami (with Manny Diaz), over 100 against Texas A&M, and I believe over 100 against UNC. Go watch the Texas A&M game if you want to see those 3rd and 3 to 3rd and 1 and 4th and 1 conversions. If he can stay healthy, he should be the option.
  8. I've yet to see Young throw up those Russell Wilson baseball prayer shots and land them. Wilson Magic was real for a long, long time. If Young has those, that would be great. But Wilson and Murray both have baseball pedigrees and Young doesn't. I'll be interested to see if that plays a role in how Young performs versus how Murray and Wilson translated to the NFL.
  9. Hiring Rhule was a dumb idea, which most everyone here knew at the time.
  10. Cam scored 60 touchdowns, I believe, between the Regular Season and playoffs. Might be one of the single greatest seasons in NFL History but it's largely ignored.
  11. The question is if leadership will overcome his...shortcomings.. No pun intended.
  12. We already know Corral is going to be first in, last to leave. We saw it all Spring and Summer last year.
  13. PJ Walker played well enough last year, all things considered. Whether you like it or not, Bama Fair Weather fan, their skill set and abilities are very similar.
  14. If Bryce Young played at BYU, he probably would've lost to Coastal as well. What's your point? Coastal beat Kansas down and Kansas went on to beat Texas. What's your point? App State beat Texas A&M and Texas A&M was 2 yards from beating Alabama, What's your point? There is no point. The same comparisons for Young were made for Wilson, is all I'm saying. Mental fortitude is what separates them, not ability.
  15. I think we could compete for an NFC Championship, when you remove QB from the equation. Everything will depend on Bryce Young and how he translates, ultimately. This is the best receiving core we've had since Steve Smith left. Best running back room, best offensive line, and best coaching staff. If we fail to win the South, it will fall squarely on Teppers shoulders for pushing the wrong QB.
  16. Just saying. Everything people are saying about Young, they said about Zac Wilson. Even if he was in the SEC, he was playing with the most talented team that wasn't Georgia. When his receivers left, he was just average for what you'd expect out of an Alabama QB. I'll believe it when I see it but he's going to have to change a lot of his game to make it in the NFL. I think he will start Week 1, but honestly, he reminds me a lot of PJ Walker, more so than Drew Brees or Russell Wilson. I hope I'm wrong. We have an offense to compete in the NFC now, so long as QB pans out.
  17. Zac Wilson created offense in college too.
  18. Yeah, I got one of those on Monday. Turns out there were quite a few people laid off with no warning. So draining, yes. Anytime a random meeting pops up with five people you know it isn't good.
  19. All that is to say that when you're the boss, you make the call. He's not saying "I'm challenging these guys on their assertions and letting them make the decision". It reads to me like "I'm challenging these guys until they make the assertions I want to hear". fug Tepper. Worst owner in the NFL with Snyder gone.
  20. The sad thing is that you can watch them like a hawk and this can still happen. Not a time for lectures man.
  21. I think 98% of the Huddle would feel the same as him. You get drafted, then you're taking 4th string snaps behind PJ Walker, Sam Darnold, and Baker Mayfield, getting maybe 8 live snaps a practice. Then you're told you're going in for a full half of preseason behind 4th and 5th offensive linemen. Mental reps are great, but how are you supposed to truly learn the offense well enough to run it, in preseason, with 8 snaps a practice? Most scoring drives would have 20 or so snaps.
  22. Corral versus Jacob Eason I guess? Would almost guarantee Corral wins that. I think, personally, most people should feel bad for him. He was drafted to the most dysfunctional coaching staff in the NFL and it wasn't even really close. The only thing he can do is work 10x harder now to get that on tape and get traded. Tepper wanted Young and he got him.
  23. Well, if we have an edge setter who runs a 4.49 40 yard dash, let's fuging go. Why is everyone complaining? Dude is 6'4, 270 lbs, can set the edge and, with some work, will have the speed to get guys on their heels in pass rush. Seriously, why complain? Sure he's raw but the Panthers have more holes on defense than people realize, I believe. I question taking a Nickel/Safety type guy, albeit one who is very good (watched some FSU last year) who is undersized rather than a front 7 guy who has size and elite speed for the position.
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