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Everything posted by MechaZain

  1. Our government's got the money to let everyone take the rest of the year off if we needed to but they decided that tens of thousands of American lives weren't worth the cash.
  2. The money should go toward making unemployment a living wage and easy to sign up for. I'm not going to turn down a free check but it's being wasted on those of us who weren't impacted financially by all this.
  3. Wow. To put this into perspective: NYC's death toll is 10x LA County's.
  4. I agree. I'm certainly not saying NC should be under the same lockdown as NY. But New York City right now should be a grave warning of what could happen without the proper precaution just like Italy should have been before that. Anyone who knows the extent of what we're dealing wouldn't be rushing to send their children to packed schools or fill stadiums and arenas. Businesses do need to gradually open back up but we need to be smart about it. Frankly I think scheduling large gatherings at all right now is ridiculous and irresponsible. Like barbershops and nail salons fine, but you might want to cool on the idea of stuffing hundreds if not thousands of people together just for fun in 2020. And I do sincerely believe children in school will be ground zero for any regions that have to deal with it next if it's rushed.
  5. Those saying the country should just open back up show how privileged and removed from the reality of this they are, whether thanks to youth or health or financial status. I’m working at home with my wife and baby NYC and feel like it already went through through our home. But we’ve lost friends. Neighbor on one side died of it and on the other side was hospitalized. People are literally dying all around us and I’m fortunate enough to have the option to just quarantine myself. So many people don’t. I honestly don’t know how unemployed parents, especially single parents are dealing right now. Letting it “run its course” is leaving these people for dead. Schools are the barometer for “normalcy” since kids going back means daycare for working parents and if we open them back up prematurely it’s a wrap. Children will be walking silent carriers.
  6. These guys are super bowl contenders and like brothers so I don't think a small discount on a 3 year deal for Josh or so is out of the question. I could see sign and trade demands maybe if we hadn't done so well. I'd be shocked if a CAP or Wegher level RB even falls our way.
  7. Monster on the field and role model off. You can't ask for more from a football player and I'm glad he's on our side. @MechaZain obvs
  8. I guess I haven't paid enough attention because I can't see Todman's different style being > than Fozzy's proven performance in-game. And he looked good for more than just that one play this Fozzy slander needs to stop.
  9. That sounds great on paper but Oher and Shula are capable of making the whole team look inept. I hope that at least one of them comes through.
  10. Folks quick to hammer the nails in the man's coffin. Reminder that we're not exactly set at WR and things were looking up.
  11. Yeah well I heard of this one Native American who didn't find it offensive so it's fine guys. Case closed.
  12. Rivera's said recently that he really likes the flow of our no huddle offense so there's a lot more of that coming.
  13. Never said he didn't want to come here. He compared playing in front of 17k+ people in college to teams like the Bobcats who regularly had empty arenas. That's just facts. That's not why people hate this move anyway, let's be real. Dude could end up being Vlade Divac but everyone's convinced he's Cody Zeller or Adam Morrison.
  14. Worst part about all this is that the fans may have burned the bridge before the kid could even step foot on it. He could end up being really good for all we know, but if I were him I wouldn't want to stay in Charlotte after last night. You'd think after Noah and Lance this fanbase would have learned to not get carried away before we see what players are made of.
  15. Praise an assistant too highly and he'll be coaching the Browns before you know it. So Proehl's alright.
  16. I really doubt Cotch brings as much to the locker room as everyone assumes he does. Last year maybe, but who wants to be mentored by an older guy who isn't very good? I'm sure the recievers look up to KB more now and Proehl brings the veteran experience.
  17. I hope he never returns a punt again in his life but I have no qualms with his receiving. He was the clutch possession receiver that Cotchery was advertised as last year.
  18. Even if it was solely because of "the catch" that's still better than Sherman beating Cam thanks to a funny rant. Yes I'm still bitter.
  19. my dad wears these no joke
  20. For a back foot, across the body toss this one is impressive tho........................... Cam tends to zero in on his receiver and that same throw would have been a pick 6 if not for the misdirection.
  21. Cam's best bet is try and get more than Kaep and Dalton but he knows that Russ is the ceiling. He may very well be better but "I deserve more because my team isn't as good" doesn't fly in contract negotiations the way playoff and super bowl wins do.
  22. If he prefers working his way up to maybe RT over starting at LT this might be a blessing in disguise.
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