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Everything posted by MechaZain

  1. Injury prevention is the only thing that makes sense. There's no benefit in protecting Bryce's ego/"hiding how bad they are". None of that would matter once week 1 rolls around. I don't mind it one bit. Bryce getting injured before we get a full assement would ruin everything, that's not worth getting an early look. If the team sucks as much as feared a couple of a preseason snaps are not going to make the difference.
  2. you're probably more right than you know
  3. not claiming them I get but this is wack
  4. Teddy had a much better offense than Bryce y'all. Their deep balls look about the same to me
  5. Sure but how many do you think are “fired up” about preseason games? Come on.
  6. Keep Pounding Mr.Scot. Praying for you, my friend.
  7. The company line is that everyone in the building wanted Young. If there was discontent behind the scenes the whole organization covered it up, Reich included. Sabotaging Young and the team to prove a point is unprofessional BS. If it was his way or the highway he should have taken a hard stance on the pick and walked away from the job before it got to that point. We know that a big problem with Reich's staff was that everything was done by committee. I doubt Tepper just came in and forced the pick on his own. I think it's more likely that Reich wanted CJ but the pro-Bryce camp was larger, and instead of growing a pair and fighting for that he went along with the group and protested in silence. Fuq that.
  8. in fact that's one point I'll concede to the "Reich didn't want Bryce" conspiracy theorists. The scheme certainly looked like it was more built for Stroud
  9. Wilson is notoriously pretty bad at it. It’s why he struggles now. He got around it in his younger days because his athleticism would cause plays to break down and create openings. And he had Lynch for misdirection. I actually disagree on Bryce. Felt like all they had him doing were highly choreographed throws and he was serviceable at it, but they were too predictable and we don't have the receivers or protection to be able to dink and dunk NFL defenses all game. I thought the whole point of drafting the kid was that he’s slippery in the backfield and great at improvisation but they made him a pocket statue. And he’s too short to do that! It’s baffling to me that they didn’t try to scheme to his strengths.
  10. 1. Wilson and Mahomes are both scrambling playmakers so I don't know why you corrected homie. 2. Both of those guys won Super Bowls so it does work in the NFL.
  11. have a bad feeling that this is more of an indictment on the offensive line than anything
  12. I'm holding out hope that it was some combination of our OL and coaching because Reich didn't even try to play him that way. He was sold as this Russell Wilson type but they had him just standing in the pocket throwing dinks all season (the thing Wilson's worst at, whaddyaknow...)
  13. It's funny looking back because I remember the Levis rumors before the trade and we all hated it. He was probably the guy had we stayed put. i have no problem with the move up. There was a strong chance the top QBs would all be gone and I don't think we could afford to just sit and pray.
  14. He was high on DJ but they didn't work closely together. There's that clip from All or Nothing where you can see their personalities clash. Smitty is trying to light a fire under him but DJ's laid back, doesn't really respond to his buttons getting pushed. Similar players completely different personalities. It sounds like Mingo's going out of his way to do extra work with Smith so I'm optimistic. I like seeing players emotionally invested in being great. There's been a severe lack of hunger on the team since Cam left.
  15. Smitty’s been wrong about guys before but I don’t remember him ever working with any of them this closely. It’ll be a nice trial run of him as a WR coach. I hope none of you naysayers were the ones beating the drum for Frank Reich. Our GOAT WR deserves at least that much grace.
  16. Rhule is just not cut out for pro football. He tried to run this team like a college program. Over reliant on stars instead of designing systems that his team could consistently reproduce. His coaching went as far as the scouting process and everything after that was him spinning numbers to justify not having any gameplan week-to-week beside riding his favorites. You can get away with that in college where most of it comes down to who recruited the best roster and superstars can carry you through a season on talent alone. The NFL requires actual tactics and roster development for success. The players saw through him but Tepper, like a fresh recruit entering college, had no foundation for what real coaching looks like so Rhule scammed him out of $60 mil by pandering to his trust in analytics. The same misguided trust that probably closed the door on drafting Stroud here because he didn't score well on a test.
  17. Show me anything that links performance to height I’m begging you
  18. Really wish y'all would get over the dude's height already. There's no stat that shows a correlation between height and performance for QBs. There's plenty else we can criticize Young for without constantly harping on him being short. Cam set unrealistic expectations for this fanbase.
  19. Only thing I can give Bryce is he stayed composed through it all which alone is pretty exceptional for a Panthers QB. Nothing else I saw from him was. I'll give him a pass because he was rookie in a clown show, but I expect Canales to set him up for success. I'm optimistic that we'll get a clear look at him this season either way.
  20. Collegiate bro he won the heisman and national championship
  21. below average student athlete versus the top player in college football but sure
  22. chanel pearl necklace on a man is crazy
  23. Tremendous fail on BoA security’s part and Tepper should thank God that no one was seriously injured or worse.
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