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About MechaZain

  • Birthday 12/13/1990

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  1. Doesn't bode well for their confidence in Leggette IMO. Very similar profile.
  2. Darnold and Mayfield making $100m each and their stats since leaving are better than Young's career so far.
  3. The whole idea behind drafting Bryce was that he'd be a distributor so we wouldn't need one. That's how they justified trading our #1 WR to get him. I don't believe the passing game is so bad that we should be abandoning that already, especially now that Bryce is finally coming along. Coker looks good, XL is far from a lost cause, we still have Theilen as some extra insurance. They should draft a burner in the early rounds but it doesn't need to be the first pick.
  4. An incentive based, non-guaranteed contract makes the most sense for the situation but it would make cap management a pain and Bryce might prefer to just test the market when the time comes. In short: it's too soon.
  5. And it's a trap to get something out of them in the heat of the moment. Players either have to rattle off some generic non-statement, say something that could get them in trouble, or say nothing and get in trouble. The NBA sideline interviews are the worst. The guys haven't even caught their breath yet and getting asked to assess the game they just played
  6. Cam acts like he's a respected authority who can criticize teams and other quarterbacks. I get why. If all these talking heads who've never thrown a football in their life can speak on it than why not a Heisman winner and MVP? Problem is the narrative that Cam was a gifted player who came up short because of his selfishiness is still alive and well. So that gets thrown back in his face a lot and he takes the bait everytime. It's all been downhill since the Game Changers vs Game Managers stuff. From anyone else that's normal sports talk, but Cam's legacy is still too up in the air to be criticizing the people actively doing it. . Just recently he was asked if he would trade the MVP for a SB ring and it set him up to basically diss his old team. And he has too much of an ego to just state his opinion and stand on it so he tries to defend his legacy and then he becomes the topic of conversation It's not like in the Carolinas where we blame his shoulder, his coaches, his roster etc. The average NFL fan thinks Cam is still physically capable and just too eccentric, selfish, or inaccurate to be in the league anymore. I don't think he realizes that so he keeps putting himself out there and making it worse.
  7. I was certainly one of the those worried about his demeanor. Big ups to Bryce for putting in the hard work to turn it around. Coachability was ultimately the reason we drafted the guy and he sounds like they were right about his work ethic in the end.
  8. People will hate regardless so let him live. None of it really matters at the end of the day, only what he does on gameday.
  9. It's fair to believe that Young's worst is behind him and his floor was raised with the benching. I'm not sold though. The best I can give him so far is that he plays to the level of those around him. I think he could win in the right offense but that he goes back to being the worst QB in football in the wrong offense.
  10. Bryce’s upside is ambiguous because it all depends on how much he can develop that super processor of his
  11. Unless they’re all watching from nursing homes I don’t believe for a second that there’s still a significant Washington fanbase in the Carolinas. More than the Cowboys even? Steelers?
  12. Legette is a jump ball specialist he was never going to be a seperation or YAC guy. Route running was actually one his knocks against him coming in.
  13. Any name that isn't a height reference he should take and run
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