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About MechaZain

  • Birthday 12/13/1990

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  1. Agree. Might as well, I'm not sure anyone else could do much better.
  2. I'm all for him as CB doing returns and the occasional snap at WR. If it's close to an even split my fear is even if the guy is fairly durable any injury means you're losing a key player on both sides of the ball.
  3. I think he'll get a pass from the media because the team is so bad top to bottom, seems to be the trend with us right now. No one watches our games so when it's time to talk panthers they rehash old talking points about the few pieces of the team they recognize. Someone will give him a chance as if his stint here never happened.
  4. I can't see Wilks coming back even if we offered
  5. I also think the "eye test" is kinda weighted against Bryce's game. If he's going to be great in this league his accuracy will have to make up for his disadvantages and reliably. It won't be as flashy as an Anthony Richardson highlight reel.
  6. You’d think that after Cam this fanbase would know better than to cherry pick passing stats without any sort of context
  7. His stats still aren’t impressive but for the first time we’re getting glimpses of what could be with Bryce. Sunday I saw the playmaker I was expecting on Day 1. I can imagine a future where Bryce is a top QB with the right roster around him, that’s worth giving him some more time while we focus on making the rest of the team better. Pulling the plug on him by drafting a QB early is the nuclear option. Losing our investment in Bryce would set us back so tremendously that it needs to be a last resort. Draft a different position in the first and even if we do dump Young later at least the roster around the QB will be improved. I’m with @frankwon the QB competition but I don’t see it happening now that it looks like their approach is working, slow as it might be. Dying art in the NFL. My moneys on some late round QB of Canales’s choosing to basically be the backup in training
  8. I like that he's running around now. I can see it working out for him with the right pieces. He's our guy.
  9. Game manager implies that the game is happening around the QB and his role is to just keep it together for the win. If Brady's one the term is meaningless.
  10. They've been Bryce apologists the whole way. The national narrative is that Carolina is dysfunctual so we just need to be patient with him and keep building. I only ever hear him specifically criticized when tape's being looked at.
  11. Bryce remembering how to play football after the trade really hurts dude’s stock. Hard to chalk it up to a bad fit twice.
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