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Joe Bear

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Everything posted by Joe Bear

  1. I wish this could be a subforum and the 2023 NFL Draft one could get Old Yeller'd.
  2. I don't see that happening. Two organizations are getting the most value anyone is getting for a Panthers contract: the Chicago Bears and the San Francisco 49ers.
  3. I don't recall if it was Week 1 or 2, but they showed the starting lineup on screen and Legette was listed.
  4. Throwing in things are part of what got this dumpster fire to be a dumpster fire. Adding in value and accepting less value.
  5. They might. I expect a couple of them to refuse, but not all. Somebody's going to want to be the No. 1 pick.
  6. Legette is a starter.
  7. Didn't help Young? I think they helped him a lot. He didn't help himself.
  8. Until you look at the other teams' rosters, and then there might be one close loss amid five more blowouts.
  9. Not with that cap figure you don't. And he has absolutely been trying to uplift guys on the sideline, it was reported multiple times on Sunday. The problem was he was spending too much time apologizing and not enough actually trying.
  10. after Week 18: Ask The Old Guy: Picking Up The Pieces
  11. the curse of the right-side picture needs to end. Just don't put one there.
  12. The bot is banned until the Panthers win. The bot is therefore banned until 2027.
  13. Turning three smaller schools into title contenders says otherwise. Your mind is made up, that's fine, and I said that his results haven't been good enough at ECU. But if they pull out 8 wins, he's likely still there despite your feelings.
  14. Shiloh Sanders is Eric Trump. Every character has its match.
  15. Houston's resume speaks to his ability as a coach, and "not good" isn't what it says. However, the lack of results at ECU over the last couple years are fair game for criticism and unless they can pull together 7-8 wins, it's probably curtains for their pairing. I'm glad he didn't go to UNCC, though.
  16. I don't have any investment. 0-17 reflects on Tepper, not me. Besides, they're going 0-17 next year, too.
  17. worth noting Reich only won once last year. Chris Tabor was the head coach in the other win.
  18. Now, it's gonna go right back to them on this next play.
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