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Joe Bear

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  1. I'm not saying he's the right pick or the worst pick, I'm just saying he's the pick.
  2. Who's making the "Round 1, Panthers Select Mykel Williams" thread?
  3. I say he was dogshit. Keeping things on track, 2021 was a decent-to-good draft. The ones immediately preceding it and every one after it were ass, so that also inflates it a bit.
  4. Kicked Cincinnati's ass 2-0 yesterday. Patrick Agyemang might be Him.
  5. If McMillan played for Purdue, no one on here would be interested in him.
  6. I reacted in much the same way when Rob Hunt was paid a lot of cash to come here last year. Then he made the Pro Bowl. Nearly every deal by every team today has been an overpay of some sort. Either you spend money from a rising cap to get better players, or you don't.
  7. Not sure how I feel about it yet. The endless optimists in this thread love it, and the endless pessimists hate it, so nothing to sway me yet.
  8. Sports Illustrated picked the Panthers to finish last in the NFC South in 2003 and 2015. The Panthers went to the Super Bowl both years.
  9. Yeah, yesterday was as trash as the home opener was awesome. Pick up some points this weekend and all is well.
  10. Week 1: at Seattle, 2-2 draw Week 2: vs. Atlanta, 2-0 win Off to a strong start. Discuss.
  11. Raiders fans called him "Dropvante" last year. Pass.
  12. I don't think you know the difference between sports columnists and sports reporters.
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