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Joe Bear

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  1. I didn't know there was a dark mode until this, so thank you.
  2. Kevin Durant complains more than most fans. He's really one to talk.
  3. To Scott Fitterer? No. The easiest pick is the one you don't make. To Dan Morgan? Hmm. We'll see.
  4. I've seen a Jansen jersey or two on the concourse before. It's a good choice.
  5. Is it truly breaking if it was announced 4 hours before a thread was made?
  6. Oh, Cam. He's never been the wordsmith he may think he is. But with a bigger platform on the ultimate sports clickbait, hot-take network (what was once the worldwide leader in sports), this will likely only be the first of many instances.
  7. Dan Patrick is beyond washed. He needs to go in the laundry basket.
  8. Say he jumps on that loose ball. Yay! It's 4th and 17 for an offense that couldn't convert 2nd and 4 the whole game.
  9. He made a lot of clutch kicks here, but his lack of range kinda put a damper on that short-lived FG% record. Like a shooting guard who shot the ball well, but wouldn't attempt a three-pointer.
  10. Jalen Hurts is so good at breaking one long run a game and handing off to Barkley the rest of the time.
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