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Everything posted by Kramerica

  1. I was planning to get drunk on this payday Friday and reach on a Shaq Thompson jersey. This changes things. Funchise instead?
  2. You would've thought them filming our walk-through would have been enough.
  3. Internets 101: Never Read the Comments
  4. The best show I've seen over the past year or so has been War on Drugs, but that may change once I (finally) see the Decemberists at the Fillmore next week.
  5. I need this in my everyday life.
  6. What blizzard? It's a couple of flakes.
  7. Awesome. Where were you able to pre-order it?
  8. Will start training in a couple weeks for the half marathon at the Speedway in March. Hello 5am wake up call for the next 3 months.
  9. http://www.sbnation....e-gif-interview
  10. Diddy, I quoted this to give you a notification so I could tell you congrats on the hard work. I know you were getting discouraged by not seeing the scale move for a while but like Shaun says, 'Keep Pushing Play.' As for me, I'm about 3 weeks into Asylum now and let me tell you this poo is tough. But it is so damn rewarding you just keep going back for more. The only partial downside is you need a very good amount of space to do these workouts. I've had to pull up the rug in my living room, move my coffee table into the dining room, and push my couch and chair to the wall to make enough room and I'm still a little cramped for space every now and then. Shaun pushes you in Insanity but in the Asylum he damn near kills you. Volume 2 comes out soon (or maybe it's already out) and I'll be getting that once I finish this. Also, do we have any dedicated runners on this board? I've been reading about marathons, and I see there's a half-marathon at Charlotte Motor Speedway in late March next year. I'm thinking about signing up to run it and have been looking at half-marathon training programs. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated for someone who has probably never run more than 3 miles at once.
  11. I just ordered Insanity: The Asylum...will start it a week from today. Prayers are welcome.
  12. ^^^ Like a BAUCE. Now here's something we think you'll really enjoy:
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